ESLint rules for all of my personal projects. Feel free to use these conventions :-)
Install the conventions by running:
yarn add --dev eslint eslint-config-vyorkin
Then add the extends to your .eslintrc
"extends": "vyorkin",
"rules": {
// your overrides
This config also exposes a few other configs that I use often and pull in as needed.
You can use them standalone:
"extends": "vyorkin/<config-name>"
Or in combination with the base config (recommended)
"extends": ["vyorkin", "vyorkin/<config-name>"]
- default (index.js) config extends eslint-config-airbnb
- base extends eslint-config-airbnb-base respectively
- eslint-plugin-ava
- eslint-plugin-tape
- eslint-plugin-flowtype
- eslint-plugin-fp
- eslint-plugin-import
- eslint-plugin-prefer-object-spread
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
- eslint-plugin-lodash-fp
- eslint-plugin-react
- eslint-plugin-promise
- eslint-plugin-security
- eslint-plugin-typescript
The main ideas is shamelessly stolen from the awesome Kent C. Dodds eslint config.
Here is the list of various personal configs I am aware of:
- eslint-config-kentcdodds (largely inspired)
- eslint-config-formidable
- eslint-config-google
- eslint-config-metalab
- eslint-config-walmart
- eslint-config-gpbl
WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License.