These will have to be defined in your build environment (example: GitHub Actions) as it is a static web app.
Enviromnent variable | Description |
VUE_APP_MASSEUTSENDELSEAPI_BASE_URL | The base url of the MasseutsendelseAPI |
VUE_APP_MATRIKKELPROXY_CLIENTID | The ClientId that the MatrikkelProxyAPI should use when contacting the Matrikkel |
VUE_APP_EXCLUDED_OWNER_IDS | Commase pparated list of person/organization numbers that should be automatically excluded |
VUE_APP_MOCK_MATRIKKEL_API (Development) | Should the MatrikkelProxyAPI be mocked? (true/false) |
VUE_APP_MOCK_MASSEUTSENDELSE_API (Development) | Should the MasseutsendelseAPI be mocked? (true/false) |
VUE_APP_AZUREAD_CLIENTID | The Azure Appregistration clientId |
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build