This repository contains a sample usage of ZooKeeper Dynamic Reconfiguration.
Build the zookeeper image
docker-compose build
Run the first zookeeper container
docker-compose up zk_main
Run the second zookeeper container
docker-compose up --scale zk_follower=1
Run the third zookeeper container
docker-compose up --scale zk_follower=2
Run the fourth zookeeper container
docker-compose up --scale zk_follower=3
and so on...
Get any of the follower zookeeper's ip
ZK_FOLLOWER_IP=`docker inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <CONTAINER ID>`
Compare the server configuration from the first zookeeper and the follower
docker exec zk_main -server localhost get /zookeeper/config | grep ^server
docker exec zk_main -server ${ZK_FOLLOWER_IP} get /zookeeper/config | grep ^server