LayoutsDemo(version 1.0) This projects lets you know How to design Different Layouts for your Android Application. Requirements of this project are as follows
- Design a Cover screen that prints your Basic information using liner TextViews and also your Image
- put 3 Buttons to navigate to next tasks
- on pressing Button1, you should go to a activity which has that Layout(that layout you can see after running it)/* good exercise to learn about LinearLayouts */
- Design a Calculator Layout, /* This does not implement full functionality but lets you know how to do it, we implement Full calculator in next version(version 2.0) see the project at fork1 for version 1.0 and at fork2 for version 2.0 */
- Put a SeekBar and ImageView and your ImageView should change its size(width and height) depending on Seekbar progress.
LayoutsDemo (version 2.0)/* Yet to finish */