Ez Settings (read as "easy settings") - one of the ez-engines collection that helps easily add settings interface to your Rails application.
- Flexible tool with simple DSL
- Convetion over configuration principles.
- Depends on ez-core
If you are boring to read all this stuff maybe this video motivates you:
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ez-settings', '~> 0.1'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install ez-settings
and bundle install
rails generate ez:settings:install
Generates initializer config file and I18n yaml file with english keys
# By default engine try to inherit from ApplicationController, but you could change this:
# Ez::Settings.config.base_controller = 'Admin::BaseController'
# Then you should define settings interfaces (you can create as much as you need)
# Ierachy is pretty simple: Interface -> Group -> Key
# Interface DSL allows you to do this very declaratively
app = Ez::Settings::Interface.define :app do # :app - interface name
group :general do # :general - name of the group
key :app_title, default: -> { 'Main app title' } # :app_title - key name for store value in :general group for :app interface
# And so on...
group :admin do
key :app_title, default: -> { 'Admin app title' }
# If you want to see all power of the engine, add this showcase:
group :showcase do
key :string, default: -> { 'simple string' }
key :bool, type: :boolean, default: -> { true }
key :integer, type: :integer, default: -> { 777 }
key :select, type: :select, default: -> { 'foo' }, collection: %w(foo bar baz)
key :not_validate, required: false, presence: false
key :not_for_ui, required: false, ui: false
# Keys could have:
# :type (string by default), now ez-settings supports only: string, boolean, integer and select
# :default value (as callable objects)
# :required - be or not (all keys are required by default)
# :ui visible or not (all keys are UI visible by default)
# After defining settings interface groups/keys you need to configure it:
app.configure do |config|
# Backend adapter to store all settings
config.backend = Ez::Settings::Backend::FileSystem.new(Rails.root.join('config', 'settings.yml'))
# Redis is also supported:
# config.backend = Ez::Settings::Backend::Redis.new('config')
# Default path for redirect in controller
config.default_path = '/admin/settings'
# Pass your custom css classes through css_map config
# Defaults would be merged with yours:
# config.custom_css_map = {
# nav_label: 'ez-settings-nav-label',
# nav_menu: 'ez-settings-nav-menu',
# nav_menu_item: 'ez-settings-nav-menu-item',
# overview_page_wrapper: 'ez-settings-overview',
# overview_page_section: 'ez-settings-overview-section',
# overview_page_section_header: 'ez-settings-overview-section-header',
# overview_page_section_content: 'ez-settings-overview-section-content',
# overview_page_section_content_key: 'ez-settings-overview-section-content-key',
# overview_page_section_content_value: 'ez-settings-overview-section-content-value',
# group_page_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-wrapper',
# group_page_inner_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-inner-wrapper',
# group_page_header: 'ez-settings-group-header',
# group_page_form_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-form-wrapper',
# group_page_form_inner: 'ez-settings-group-form-inner',
# group_page_form_field_row: 'ez-settings-group-form-field-row',
# group_page_form_string_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-form-string-wrapper',
# group_page_form_boolean_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-form-boolean-wrapper',
# group_page_form_select_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-form-select-wrapper',
# group_page_actions_wrapper: 'ez-settings-group-actions-wrapper',
# group_page_actions_save_button: 'ez-settings-group-actions-save-btn',
# group_page_actions_cancel_link: 'ez-settings-group-actions-cancel-link'
# }
# Highly recommend inspecting settings page DOM.
# You can find there a lot of interesting id/class stuff
# You even can define dynamic map for allows to decide which CSS class could be added
# `if` must contain callable object that receives controller as a first argument and dynamic element as second one:
# In this example, you easily could add 'active' CSS class if route end with some fragment:
# config.dynamic_css_map = {
# nav_menu_item: {
# css_class: 'active',
# if: ->(controller, path_fragment) { controller.request.path.end_with?(path_fragment.to_s) }
# }
# }
# Ez::Settings uses Ez::Registry from ez-core lib for storing all knowledges in one place.
# This place is registry records for :settings_interfaces registry
# Register `app` variable as settings interface
Ez::Registry.in(:settings_interfaces, by: 'YourAppName') do |registry|
registry.add app
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# your routes code before
# We recommend to hide settings into admin area
authenticate :user, ->(u) { u.admin? } do
namespace :admin do
# :app just interface name as you registred it in Ez::Registry
ez_settings_for :app
# more your routes after
This routes setup allows you to have routes like:
rake routes | grep settings
admin_ez_settings /admin/settings Ez::Settings::Engine {:interface=>:app}
root GET / ez/settings/settings#index
GET /:group(.:format) ez/settings/settings#show
PUT /:group(.:format) ez/settings/settings#update
In case of example above you could route:
GET /admin/settings/ - overview page for all :app interface settings
GET/PUT: /admin/settings/general - general group settings
GET/PUT: /admin/settings/admin - admin group settings
GET/PUT: /admin/settings/showcase - showcase group settings
In your app you could access to settings values through:
Ez::Settings[:all, :general, :app_title]
Ez::Settings[:all, :admin, :app_title]
Ez::Settings[:all, :showcase, :select]
Just use template: Ez::Settings['interface', 'group', 'key']
In the case of missing interface/group/key you will receive one of exceptions:
Be careful ;)
By default, all interfaces/groups/keys name would be humanized, but in fact, it tries to get translations from YAML first.
If you need, create locale file with this structure:
label: Ez Settings
label: App Settings
label: Save Settings
label: Cancel Settings
label: General
label: Admin
label: Showcase
label: String
label: Bool
label: Integer
label: Select
label: Not Validate
label: Not For UI
This features will be implemented in upcoming 0.2 and 0.3 releases:
- Scoped settings (
) - groups as defined methods for interface
- controller before actions as configured callbacks
- JSON API endpoints
- Allow to config endpoints
- Interface description (and show at UI)
- Groups description (and show at UI)
- Database storage as backend (ActiveRecord)
- Redis storage as backend (RedisRb)
Fork => Fix => MR warmly welcomed!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.