Provides way of retrieving data from backend/api with caching.
- Using pinia for store responses and promises while they are in pending state
- One time backend request, all next requests will be handled by the same promise, or by the cache data if it fetched already
- Custom expiration time for each request forcing to refetch data when expired
- Resolved promises will be removed from store
It uses ky for fetching data, can be replaced by any other datafetcher of your choice. For use with ky you need to install it in your project:
npm install ky
npm install pinia
Copy files from use and stores to your vue project.
Simple example located in example.vue file.
There is two functions in useApi.
First one - getApi(), will use get request with no any caching.
Second one - getApiWithCache(), will use get request with caching with expiration time defined in second argument
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue'
import useApi from '@/use/useApi'
// Get api data
const { data, isLoading, isLoaded, errors, getApiWithCache } = useApi()
onMounted(() => {
// Get data from api with cache time of 300 seconds
getApiWithCache('getsomedata', 300)
<div v-if="isLoading && !isLoaded">
<div v-if="errors && !isLoading">
{{ errors }}
<div v-if="isLoaded && !errors">
<h1>{{ data.title }}</h1>
<div v-html="data.content"></div>
You always welcome to write me
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Telegram: @sergeyvolkar