python-service is useful to call remote python code from a a client python script in a very simple way. is licensed under GNU Affero GPL version 3 or later. An special service 'affero' is provided to ease compliance.
The rest of the code is GNU Lesser GPL version 3 or later. In few words, you may freely use, modify and distribute this software as long as you redistribute it and any changes you did to the licenced software with the same conditions. Unlike the GNU GPL, the GNU Lesser GPL those conditions do not apply on the code that uses the licenced code.
- Client: urllib2, urllib, urlparse, httplib, mimetypes
- Server: webob, decorator
- Tests: wsgi_intercept, unittest, urllib2, urllib, urlparse, httplib, mimetypes
No installation procedure is provided yet. Just copy the needed scripts side to your own files.
- With your client:,
- With your server:
- Setup a module (ie. with functions and variables
version = "3.2" def myFunction(param) : return "result: %s"%param
- Create a Service object passing the module name as parameter.
application = Service.Reload(Service.Service("MyModule"))
- Pass the Service as the application object of a wgsi server.
- With mod_wsgi (apache), just name it 'application'
- You can use other dummy servers to test:
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server httpd = make_server( 'localhost', # Host name. 8051, # port application, # application object ) httpd.serve_forever()
- Check that it works by opening in a web server
- Create a subclass of ServiceStub representing the service
- Implement methods like the ones in MyModule by calling
- remoteCall, ie, for
def myFunction(self, param) : return self.remoteCall( "myFunction", param=param)
- Instantiate the stub in your client code and use it
service = MyModule("") service.myFunction(3)
Any parameter can be set optional by setting a default in the server. You can accept any parameter by adding a **kwd parameter.
If you want to access the request, just add a first parameter named 'request' to your server function. It is a webob.Request object.
If you pass a file object to the stub, the file content will be passed as attached content and the server receives it as cgi.FieldStorage object.
By default, the content-type is 'text/plain', if you want to change it you can set a content_type property on the server function.
def myFunction(param) : return "result: %s"%param myFunction.content_type = 'text/html'
Just raise any subclass of Service.HttpError in Service. Not all errors are defined, you can just subclass it yourself.
- Add unit tests for the ServiceStub
- Adding decorators
- Addding easy to construct response objects
- Signing client message