This is a HTTP proxy-server that stores securely the payment card data sent by a user from a WEB-form or a mobile application. On receiving of the card data the proxy passes to the upstream only an opaque token parameter, i.e. it performs tokenization.
Then the proxy can be used by a payment application backend to address some external payment gateway. In this case the outgoing authorization request containing a token but no payment card data would expand to contain full card data, so it does de-tokenization.
The point is to take out payment card data handling out of payment application backend to minimize the scope of applicable PCI/DSS restrictions.
Sensitive card data is stored encrypted using AES algorithm with a 256 bit key (DEK=Data Encryption Key). A DEK can be used for encryption only few times. For this reason new DEKs are generated as needed. Each of DEKs is encrypted using AES algorithm with a 256 bit key (KEK= Key Encryption Key).
The important thing about KEK is that it is not stored as a whole in single place, but rather it is reconstructed on each request from parts placed in three different places:
- in memory of special daemon process (key keeper)
- in servant configuration file
- in servant database table
- Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 with GNU g++
- YB.ORM: 0.4.7