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Released Ciphers v1.9.1 on NuGet

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@vmelamed vmelamed released this 10 Dec 04:08
· 539 commits to master since this release

In 1.8.0 added sets of ICipher extension overrides for data of the primitive and some basic types and arrays of the same:
Boolean, Char, String, Byte, SByte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Single, Double, Decimal, DateTime and Guid.
In this release added typed version of the same:

byte[] ICipherExtensions.Encrypt(ICipher cipher, object data, Type type);
object ICipherExtensions.Decrypt(ICipher cipher, byte[] encrypted, Type type);

And generic overrides:

byte[] ICipherExtensions.Encrypt<T>(ICipher cipher, T data);
T ICipherExtensions.Decrypt<T>(ICipher cipher, byte[] encrypted);

The generics work with nullable types too.

This is the last version which supports .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5. In the next release the only supported version will be .NET 4.6.