STM32F407 MCU - Discovery Development Board Follow along with the development from scratch and other projects at:
Creating Device header file, peripheral header files (GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART) and an application from scratch to understand MCU driver development
Contains register addresses and macros - derived from the User Manual
Contains macros and definitions to use the GPIO - derived from the User Manual.
Test Project to validate drivers by flashing the onboard LED via Pullup/Pulldown Output Type Test Project to validate drivers by flashing the onboard LED via Open Drain Output Type and external Pullup Resistor
Test Project to validate drivers by reading input pin button state, and toggling LED accordingly.
Test Project to validate drivers by reading input pin button state, and toggling LED accordingly from External components
Test Project to validate drivers reading input state of a button, generating an interrupt, and handling it to toggle an LED.
Test Project to validate drivers generating an interrupt on button press, and handling it to toggle an LED - using configured GPIO settings.
Test Project to validate drivers for SPI communications. Send 'Hello World'
Test project using the STM32407 as the SPI Master, and an Arduino as the SPI Slave. And snickering at the 007/SPI puns. SPI in full duplex, DFF=0, SSM=0, SCLK = 2MHz, fclk = 16MHz. Arduino does not return data -> MISO not required. In progress