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Vasilis Vlachoudis edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 27 revisions

For the moment there is no graphical interface to modify the configuration, it will be created one in the future.

The easiest way is first to launch bCNC and close it. The first time it will create a clone of the bCNC.ini in your $HOME directory as $HOME/.bCNC

Open with a text editor the .bCNC and modify it according to your CNC machine setup. The sections that maybe need to be modified are:


  • baud = 115200
  • port = /dev/ttyACM0
  • pendant = 0/1 ; 1 to start automatically the pendant web server


  • units = 0 ; 0=mm, 1=inches

  • acceleration_x = 25
    acceleration_y = 25
    acceleration_z = 50
    ; acceleration in units/s^2 for time calculation

  • feedmax_x = 3000
    feedmax_y = 3000
    feedmax_z = 2000
    ; maximum feed rates in units/min for time calculation

  • travel_x = 200

  • travel_y = 200

  • travel_z = 100
    ; maximum travel of your machine in the three axes

  • round = 4 ; rounding accuracy in decimal digits .dddd

  • accuracy = 0.1 ; accuracy of displaying arcs (maximum allowed sagita)

  • startup = G90 ; startup g-code to send to machine before executing any program

  • safe_z = 3 ; safe z height on free moves

  • spindlemin = 0
    spindlemax = 12000
    ; spindle maximum/minimum in rpm/min

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