Require OpenHardwareMonitor installed and started. Use nssm to run OpenHardwareMonitor as windows service.
- win_cpu_temp
- tags:
- cpu
- fields:
- temp (float, celcius)
- tags:
- temp
- tags:
- CPU Core 1
- CPU Core 2
- CPU Core 3
- CPU Core 4
- CPU Package
- fields:
- temp (float, celcius)
- tags:
interval = "30s"
commands = ['powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File "C:\\Program Files\\telegraf\\ohm.ps1"']
data_format = "influx"
win_cpu_temp,cpu=0 temp=35
win_cpu_temp,cpu=1 temp=34
temp,sensor=CPU\ Core\ 1 temp=81
temp,sensor=CPU\ Core\ 2 temp=80
temp,sensor=CPU\ Core\ 3 temp=76
temp,sensor=CPU\ Core\ 4 temp=74
temp,sensor=CPU\ Package temp=77
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File "C:\Program Files\telegraf\ohm.ps1"