A simple sepolicy denial resolver that will read your denials from a file and resolves and puts them in the respective files.
On basis of my understanding i have done the separation as follows:
system/sepolicy/private in sepolicy/private
system/sepolicy/vendor in sepolicy/vendor
Remaining in sepolicy/public
The list for the same has been created using the categ.py pressent in the git
#HowTo Use
from your log create a denials.txt file with only denial If on linux you can use this:
cat PATH_TO_LOG.txt | grep avc: > denials.txt
Put the denials.txt in your device tree.
If treble device Place sepwriter_v.py in the folder of your dtree.
Run the code by executing the following command:
python3 sepwriter_v.py
- If non treble Place sepwriter.py in the folder of your dtree.
- Run the code by executing the following command:
python3 sepwriter.py
(or) 3) If your device tree doesnt have folders like sepolicy/public sepolicy/private etc copy the sepwriter_simple.py in the folder of your dtree. 4) Run the code by executing the following command:
python3 sepwriter_simple.py
All your denials should be resolved:)
An example of how the code resolves your denials is provided in dtree folder.(Check Readme there for further info)
Any suggestions would be appreciated and helpful.