UI Theme for Brackets. Useses modified version of Monokai Dark Soda for syntax highlighting. For this to be seen properly you must install https://github.com/notasz/brackets-uitheming
- Dark sidebar to further seperate working files and file tree
- Active file with accent for quick reference
- Emphasis on folder directory over files to make it more clear where your current context is with your file directory
- Code folding uses '+' and '-' and highlights when a block is folded.
If you would like your Brackets to look like the screenshot you must install the following extensions
- https://github.com/drewbkoch/Brackets-File-Icons
- https://github.com/zaggino/brackets-git
- https://github.com/Hirse/brackets-outline-list
- https://github.com/notasz/brackets-uitheming
- https://github.com/thehogfather/brackets-code-folding
- https://github.com/lkcampbell/brackets-indent-guides
- https://github.com/gintau/bracket-match-highlighter
- https://github.com/ohnnyj/brackets-numbertabs
- https://github.com/DH3ALEJANDRO/Show-Recently-Used
- https://github.com/DennisKehrig/brackets-show-whitespace
- https://github.com/DH3ALEJANDRO/custom-work-for-brackets
- https://github.com/Carreau/brackets-visualTabs
- https://github.com/MiguelCastillo/Brackets-wsSanitizer