The goal of jspsychread
is to transform the data collected in
jsPsych and stored in JSON format into R. The data are then available as tibbles (one trial per line) and you can filter them etc.
The package is in active development. You can install the current version from GitHub with following code:
# Install devtools package if necessary
if(!"devtools" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) install.packages("devtools")
# Install the stable verion from GitHub
Check the example below which covers the main parts of the workflow.
More detailed walk-through is included in the package
vignette (see vignette("jspsychread")
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
## basic example code
fn <- demo_file("jspsych-video-button-response.json")
d <- read_jspsych(fn)
# parse results of a specific trial types
d %>%
filter(trial_type == trial_types$preload) %>%
select(record, trial_index, raw) %>%
process_records(.using = parse_preload) %>%
d %>%
filter(trial_type == trial_types$html_button_response) %>%
select(record, trial_index, raw) %>%
process_records(.using = parse_html_button_response) %>%
d %>%
filter(trial_type == trial_types$video_button_response) %>%
select(record, trial_index, raw) %>%
process_records(.using = parse_video_button_response) %>%
In the examples above, you explicitly defined what function to use to
process the trial data.
Since version 0.3.0, process_records
can auto-detect
the parser based on the trial_type
It is still required that all trials in the tibble are of the same type and
you should use filter
or group_by
to separate different trial types.
It is an intentional decision.
With diverse trial types in the same tibble, it would not be possible to unnest
You can use simpler call:
d %>%
filter(trial_type == trial_types$html_button_response) %>%
process_records(.using = parse_html_button_response) %>%
Or even parse everything into a list of tibbles.
dl <-
d %>%
group_split(trial_type) %>%
map(~ process_records(.x))
dl %>% map(~ .x %>% unnest(processed))