The code here bootstraps an infrastructure from a single entrypoint, the ./do
script. Firstly, Ansible creates a state bucket for Terraform, and then Terraform can be run layer-by-layer to provision any kind of infrastructure. It works locally as well as through Jenkins, so long as the Environment variables are defined.
For Terraform, the ./do
script runs both headlessly and interactively. Interactively, the script will offer options based on the available environments, available layers, and the three Terraform commands, plan, apply and destroy.
Updated the tags system to use Cloudposse's slick Terraform module here:
To build a bare bones infra consisting on a single VPC with a single private subnet, do the following once the dependencies are installed and the environment variables are present.
./do bootstrap # this creates the S3 bucket for the Terraform state
# And interactively choose an env, then the first layer, 001_vpc
# Then 'plan' or 'apply'
This will plan or build the infrastructure. When finished, run ./do
again, but choose to destroy. Then,
./do teardown
This will remove the cleanup the state bucket in S3.
Copy envrc.template
to .envrc
and fill in the appropriate details.
Copy ./environments/999_example
to a new directory under ./environments.
Create the S3 bucket required for Terraform state management:
./do bootstrap
ansible-playbook 000_bootstrap.yml
And follow the prompts.
./do teardown
ansible-playbook 001_teardown.yml
This removes both the infra and then finally the S3 bucket for state management.
./do bootstrap
./do teardown
Then, the format is:
./do <command> -e <env_name> -l <layer_name>
Where available commands are plan
, apply
and destroy
./do plan -e 999_example -l 001_vpc