A very fast, simple and easy to use file encryption/decryption tool.
- All the encrypted files generated using this tool are highly secure.LIGHTNING FAST
- Encrypt/Decrypt many files within few seconds.MULTI-FILE SUPPORT
- Wildcard supported, encrypt/decrypt many files within diffrent folders in one execution.KEY IS NEVER SAVED
- Thesalt
is only with you, no one can decrypt your files without that exact salt.EXACT SAME SIZE
- All encrypted/decrypted files are generated with the exact same size of the original files.
- Download ViralFileCrypt.jar (see downloads).
- Use Java 1.8 (see dependencies) to run the jar file with supported options.
- Syntax:
java -jar ViralFileCrypt.jar [-f] [-s <salt-string> -i <input-file(s)> [-o <output-file/directory>]]
- Options:
<without-any-options> prints this help -f logs will be turned off, or <verbose-off> nothing will be be logged on the console, --off including errors and this help -s salt to be used to encrpyt/decrypt the file(s), same salt or <salt-string> needs to be provided to decrypt the encrypted file(s), --salt salt must be any string with the length of multiple of 4 (at least 4 characters) -i input file(s) to be encrpyted/decrypted, path can be or <input-file(s)> absolute/relative to current directory, use wildcards --input (*) to provide multiple filenames and (**) to include all sub-directories too, e.g.: abc/x.txt - x.txt file in abc directory abc/* - all files in abc directory abc/*.* - all files in abc directory with any extension abc/*.txt - all files in abc directory with .txt extension and with any name abc/xyz.* - all files in abc directory with any extension and with xyz name abc/**/* - all files in abc and its sub-directories abc/**/*.* - all files in abc directory and its sub- directories with any extension abc/**/*.txt - all files in abc directory and its sub- directories with .txt extension and with any name abc/**/xyz.* - all files in abc directory and its sub- directories with any extension and with xyz name -o optional option or <output-file/dir> if provided, output file/directory for generated --output encrpyted/decrypted files, it will be used as output file if input is a single file, it will be used as output directory and all files will be generated using input file/directory names and structure if input is multiple files, if not provided, [VFC] will be used as output directory under input directory and all files will be generated using input file/directory names and structure
- Download ViralFileCrypt.jar from here.
- Java 1.8 (jdk 8) and above to compile the source.
- Java 1.8 (jdk 8 or jre 8) and above to run the jar file.