This repository contains some small projects and exercises done on the Modern React Bootcamp by Colt Steele.
- A lot of ways to write logic on JSX
- Props and state management
- Default props
- React behind the scenes: the working of bind, constructor and super.
- Many ways to bind
- Best pratices using arrow functions.
- Lifecycle methods: ComponentDidMount, ComponentWillUnmount, ComponentDidUpdate and some others.
- Load data via ajax, axios and async functions.
- Cool Javascript functions like: some, repeat, from, flat.
- The proper way of destructuring.
- Passing down functions to children components.
- Update state when form input changes.
- High order components
- Material UI
- JSS and WithStyles
- React Hooks, useState, useEffect and how to make reusable components.
- React context API, provider and reducer
- NextJS
- How to setup a custom webpack.
- And much more!
- Route Props, Browse Router, Link, Switch exact path, relative paths.
- When to use render, and when to use component in a route.
- Library to create some cool sliders
- Awesome library to manipulate everything on a color.
- Awesome library to create CSS transitions on react.
This course had a lot of projects and things to build. The biggest, a full color palette maker, is uploaded to this repository, and you can access it here
It was an incredible and fun experience. I learned the most essentials concepts of react by a great teacher and i really enjoyed all the ReactJS architecture.
A special thanks to @colt for sharing this awesome content and knowledge.