Computational physics routines in C.
This repository contains some C routines for computational physics such as numerical integration, methods for differential equations and linear algebra wrappers.
The CMake structure creates a static library myCP-lib
that you can install to your computer following the instructions in this file.
To install the code of this library locally, first download this repository from github.
After downloading, open a terminal and move to your local copy of the repository.
From the main directory, execute
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
This will compile the library and put the executables in the directory build
After compiling, execute the following command to install the library:
make install
After doing that, the library will be installed in the location
After this procedure, you can include with brackets the header files of the myCP-lib
Make sure to link the library when you compile, if you are using the myCP-lib
. You can do this by compiling with the following flags:
gcc <c_file> -o <executable_name> -I$HOME/.local/include -L$HOME/.local/lib -libmyCP-lib
The source code (i.e. the .c files) is in the directory src
The header files are in the directory include
The source code is documented with Doxygen. To generate the documentation, make sure to have Doxygen installed and then use cmake
with the documentation option:
cmake .. -DDOCS=ON
make -j
After that, you can find documentation files in the directory build/docs