- A Tour of Web 3: Ethereum & Smart Contracts with Solidity, Frontend Masters
- Ethers Js, frontend client lib, fast lightweight
- Web3 Js frontend client lib
- Ethers vs Web3
- Crypto Zombies, short interactive Solidity programming course
- PetShop, blockchain run pet store tutorial
- Original Uniswap Contract, less than 300 LOC!
- Open Zeppelin, open source, audited, smart contract building blocks
- Scaffold ETH, boilerplate dev setup
- Hardhat, build, testing and dev framework
- Truffle build, testing and dev framework
- Foundry is a blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
- Remix, Web-based IDE with built in static analysis, and a test blockchain virtual machine.
- VSCode Plugin, Solidity syntax highlighter
- Infura, Ethereum RPC API, Consensys
- Alchemy, Ethereum RPC API, nice forking features
- The Graph, GraphQL contract data
- Cryptography I, Stanford Course Certificate
- Ethereum Improvement Proposals , upcoming and proposed changes to Ethereum network standards
- Vitalk's Blog