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Bookmark landing page

Solution : Live Site URL

This is a solution to the Bookmark landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Design preview for the Bookmark landing page coding challenge

The challenge

Your challenge is to build out this landing page and get it looking as close to the design as possible.

You can use any tools you like to help you complete the challenge. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.

Your users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive an error message when the newsletter form is submitted if:
    • The input field is empty
    • The email address is not formatted correctly

For this challenge you'll need to:

  • Create the rounded blue background shape with code
  • Change the fill and stroke color of the SVGs at specific points (the challenge can be completed using the single logo-bookmark.svg file provided)

Built with

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • CSS Grid
  • CSS Flexbox
  • JavaScript

Experience, Challenges and Learning

The idea of having a utility class is to use it for layout or for repeated CSS properties, it really does save a lot of time.

I have started using them and used a few in this one for creating flex items and it saved a lot of lines of code. But when using for layout like adding max-width to every element's inner items to keep them centered on widescreen, I failed using it properly here as the background image patterns required in this would not break out of the restrictions I set with my inner_layout, so I need to figure out how to use utility classes efficiently and not abandon them halfway through the project.
The form elements are a little messed up and I am yet to figure out why.

Pending tasks
  • Paddings on all elements need to be fixed.
  • Nav bug > mobile nav : When nav is opened the body scroll is restricted, but figure out a better way so that in active state if screen size is changed the body scroll is switched back to normal/unset
  • Nav bug > mobile nav : Clicking on any link should close the nav.
  • Email validation
  • In the features section fix the highlight when clicked, currently its on/off whereas it need to be coordinated with the item being displayed.
  • Live solution screenshot(s)
  • On submit update README with : Solution submitted at Frontend Mentor - Submission Link