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Abstract —

In this project I create the part of speech tagger using the basic probabilistic and hidden markov model. prob- abilistic model is based on the calculate the N-Gram probability for tags and probability that the tag is attach to the word. In hidden markov model I used viterbi algorithm for tag the sentence. for the implementation I use the penn tree bank 10% data which is available at the nltk library. whole dataset(penn tree bank) is not available for free so i use only 10% of that.

1. Introduction

Tagging is the process of tag the each word in sentence corresponding to a particular part of speech tag, based on its definition and context. Part of speech tagging is very important in the Natural language processing. In this project i make POS tagger for the English language. I used the Probabilistic model and Hidden markov model.

imagename Fig. 1. Part of speech flow chart

An Hidden morkov model is a probabilistic sequence model given a sequence of units. It calculate the probability distribution over possible sequence of labels and chooses the best sequence.

1.1. Motivation

Part of speech tags gives information about words in language. Tag to the word also gives info about the word and its neighbors. Part of speech tagging have application in various tasks such as Information retrieval, parsing, Text to Speech, semantics analysis, language translation and many more. There is almost all the application of NLP required Part of speech tagging as the sub task.

2. State of the art/Background

2.1. TnT – A Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger [ 1 ] Trigrams’n’Tags (TnT) is an efficient statistical part-of- speech tagger based on the Hidden markov model. Hidden markov models performs as well as the other current ap- proaches, including the maximum entropy framework. They use the

Penn Tree Bank dataset Accuracy
known words 97.0 %
unknown words 85.5 %
overall 96.7 %

Table 1: Accuracy for the TnT model

2.2. SVMTool: A general POS tagger generator based on Support Vector Machines

The SVMtool is a simple part-of-speech tagger based on Support Vector Machines. They used the fellowing feature for the svm training and testing. word feature, POS feature, ambiguity classes, word bigrams, POS bigrams, word trigrams, POS trigrams, sen- tence info, prefixes, suffixes, binary word features, word length.

type TnT SVMTools
known acc. 97.0 % 98.08 %
unknown acc. 95.5 % 88.28 %
overall acc. 96.7 % 96.89 %

Table 2: Comparision of the SVMTools with the TnT

Proposed Model

3.1. Hidden markov model

3.1.1. Introduction. An Hidden Markov Model (HHM) is a probabilistic sequence model, given a sequence of words it computes a probability distribution over possible sequence of labels and choose the best label sequence. The HMM is based on the Markov chain. The markov chains make the assumption that the if we want to predict the future state in the sequence. we only need the current state. Given the figure show we have sequence of words and our model gives the sequence of output tags.

imagename Fig. 2. The Task of POS tagger is mapping input words w 1 , w 2 , ...w n to POS tags t 1 , t 2 , ....t n

3.1.2. Dataset

We used the Penn tree bank dataset and penn TreeBank part-of-speech tags. following is list of sample Penn tree bank tagset list. full list can be found at their website.

Tag Description Example
CC coord. conj. and, but, or
CD cardinal number one, two, 5
DT determiner a, an, the
IN preposition of, in, by
JJ adjective yellow, good
NNP proper noun IBM
RB adverb quickly
verb base eat

Table 4: Sample tagset and there Discription List of all the 46 tags used : [’NNP’, ’,’, ’CD’, ’NNS’, ’JJ’, ’MD’, ’VB’, ’DT’, ’NN’, ’IN’, ’.’, ’VBZ’, ’VBG’, ’CC’, ’VBD’, ’VBN’, ’-NONE-’, ’RB’, ’TO’, ’PRP’, ’RBR’, ’WDT’, ’VBP’, ’RP’, ’PRP$’, ’JJS’, ’POS’, ’“’, ’EX’, ”””, ’WP’, ’:’, ’JJR’, ’WRB’, ’$’, ’NNPS’, ’WP$’, ’-LRB-’, ’-RRB-’, ’PDT’, ’RBS’, ’FW’, ’UH’, ’SYM’, ’LS’, ’’].




Accuracy : Accuracy = Total correct words tagged / total words tagged Probabilistic model gives around 87.5 % accuracy on sample test data. HHM based model gives around 51.3 % accuracy on sample test data

Conclusion & Future Work

I will try to rectify the Hidden markov model because it is not giving accuracy as expected and add the name entity recognition using Conditional random fields for the penn tree bank dataset.


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Use Hidden Markov models to Part of speech tagging.






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