This Ruby on Rails application is an API where one can withdraw money starting with the largest bills. The app will analyze the value the user wants to withdraw and show how many of each respective bills (bank notes) they can receive.
These are the existing bills:
- 100
- 50
- 20
- 10
# So a $180 withdrawal will provide the user with one of each bill and a $90 withdrawal would amount to 1 bill of $50 and 2 bills of $20.
# The strucuture of a $180 withdrawal would be {:G => 1, :O => 1, :M => 1, :A => 1}
FUN FACT! G-O-M-A represents the abbreviated names of the animals in Brazilian bills
- Garoupa => 100
- Onca-pintada => 50
- Mico-leao-dourado => 20
- Arara-vermelha => 10
This app is an MVC-based framework and was integrated with the following attributes:
- Concepts of OOP incorporated: Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation
- No N+1 queries! Views rendered as jsons through the controller (no need for separate views)
- Skinny Model, Skinny Controller; Logic separate from both were rendered as Services (./app/services)
- Model validations and Controller appopriate logic
- Admin dashboard (get /admin) for admin-only users to manipulate data with a clear UI
- Unit Testing through Rails' Rspec testing framework
- Relational Database through PostgreSQL
Look at the screenshots directory (./screeshots) for some visual representation. Also! This site is fully responsive (mobile first).
To interact with the API and perform CRUD operations, one first needs to signup and an receive a user email and user API token (via SendGrid). To create a user, access the Heroku App and create a user. The API token will be sent to the email you registered when signing up. Notice that this is production environment, meaning the token you receive from creating a user here isn't valid in development!
Alternatively, you can clone this repo and create a user in the Terminal.
If you don't have the following requirements physically inside your machine, I recommend installing them with the respective versions:
- Ruby 2.6.5
- Rails
- PostgreSQL 12.2
To install it locally, clone this repo and run these commands:
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails s
In simple words, this app a CR(UD) API that serves as an ATM machine. You can create a withdrawal and read them.
CR(UD) here...
Only admin users have full CRUD authority.
Once the user inputs data (the amount they want), the API will output the amount of bills as per the example shown below:
{"id":1,"amount":180,"banknotes":"{:G=>1, :O=>1, :M=>1, :A=>1}"
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-User-Email: [email protected]' \
-H 'X-User-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{ "amount": 180 }' \
To show all withdrawals that your user has made:
curl -s GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-User-Email: [email protected]' \
-H 'X-User-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
To show one specific withdrawal that your user has made:
curl -s GET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-User-Email: [email protected]' \
-H 'X-User-Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
Avaiable for admin users in /admin route
Avaiable for admin users in /admin route
For development
- devise (user authentication)
- simple_token_authentication (token authentication)
- sendgrid-ruby (transactional emails; send API Token to new user)
- dotenv-rails (prevent exposure of sensitive data)
- rails_admin (full admin dashboard for admin users ONLY)
For testing
- rspec-rails (powerful Rails testing framework)
- shoulda (simplifies testing)
- shoulda-callback-matchers (simplifies testing)
- faker (for generating random samples)
- database_cleaner (for properly cleaning the database)
- rails-controller-testing (for testing controllers)
For debugging
- pry (quite none like this debugger)
After cloning...
To test everything at once
$ rspec
To test seperately
# Runs WithdrawalServices tests
$ rspec spec/services/withdrawal_services_spec.rb
# Runs WithdrawalsController tests
$ rspec spec/controllers/withdrawals_controller_spec.rb
# Runs Withdrawal model tests
$ rspec spec/models/withdrawal_spec.rb
# Runs User model tests
$ rspec spec/models/withdrawal_spec.rb
This app was tested locally with different tools and in different environments:
- Third-party via Postman
- Test environment via RSpec
- Development environment
- Production environment in Heroku
Those who want to see the exercise that started this whole project, see it in Portuguese here. Or in English here. This app was built on top of the Portuguese-written exercise, but the logic is the same.