- Run the program with the following argument format: java JabberMain ex: java JabberMain [email protected] password talk.google.com 5222
- Type @roster to see the list of your contact
- Type @chat to start chat session with receiver ex: @chat [email protected]
- Type your chat message to chat with the current receiver Note that you have to start a chat session by typing @chat command to specify a receiver. Else the program will output: "Please specify a buddy to chat with"
- Typing @end will end a chat session and store all current chat session's messages to a text file in SimpleServer's directory. Note: To store data to server, you have to start SimpleServer first The file name format will be name_timestamp.txt Bonus feature: When you lose Internet connection, you can still type in the messages to send All those unsended messages will be sent when you get connection back