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fix: corrected bug with $resetAll
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victorgarciaesgi committed Dec 11, 2024
1 parent 502817b commit 0e775fe
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Showing 25 changed files with 436 additions and 261 deletions.
5 changes: 1 addition & 4 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -55,17 +55,14 @@ TODO

- [x] Unit tests
- [x] E2E tests
- [ ] Type tests
- [ ] Simplify/reduce core code
- [ ] `tip` on createRule
- [ ] Example repo, Reproduction repl
- [ ] Type tests

### Next iterations

- [ ] `Valibot` support
- [ ] `Yup` support
- [ ] TS docs
- [ ] `withErrorType`

### 🤔 Maybe in roadmap

Expand Down
28 changes: 19 additions & 9 deletions docs/.vitepress/config.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,14 @@ const CoreConcepts: (DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink | DefaultTheme.NavItemChildren
text: 'Rules',
items: [
{ text: 'Inline rules', link: '/core-concepts/rules/' },
{ text: 'Writing a rule', link: '/core-concepts/rules/' },
text: 'Advanced rules',
link: '/core-concepts/rules/advanced-rules',
text: 'Reusable rules',
link: '/core-concepts/rules/reusable-rules',
text: 'Rule wrappers',
link: '/core-concepts/rules/rule-wrappers',
text: 'Built-in rules',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +60,11 @@ const Typescript: (DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink | DefaultTheme.NavItemChildren)[

const Examples: DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] = [{ text: 'Base example', link: '/examples/base' }];
const Examples: DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] = [{ text: 'Simple form example', link: '/examples/simple' }];

const Troubleshooting: DefaultTheme.NavItemWithLink[] = [
{ text: 'Reactivity caveats', link: '/troubleshooting/reactivity' },

export default defineConfig({
title: 'Regle',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +120,11 @@ export default defineConfig({
items: Examples,
collapsed: false,
text: 'Troubleshooting',
items: Troubleshooting,
collapsed: false,
socialLinks: [{ icon: 'github', link: '' }],
footer: {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,10 +168,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
['meta', { name: 'twitter:site', content: '@regle' }],
['meta', { name: 'twitter:card', content: 'summary' }],
{ name: 'google-site-verification', content: 'mYJKnciAjHTdI7nsB2xame8QO61IeKoXCZeGyWGjs-4' },
['meta', { name: 'google-site-verification', content: 'mYJKnciAjHTdI7nsB2xame8QO61IeKoXCZeGyWGjs-4' }],
markdown: {
codeTransformers: [transformerTwoslash({})],
Expand All @@ -177,7 +187,7 @@ export default defineConfig({
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9.266197 6.2971348 15.203833 6.2971348 5.937109 0 11.311896-2.4063889 15.202387-6.2972348 3.890299-3.8906535 6.296489-9.2656636 6.296489-15.2033272 0-5.9371521-2.406242-11.3119781-6.296677-15.20253181-3.890469-3.89058674-9.265181-6.29690619-15.202199-6.29690619z" fill="#000"/><path d="m154 21c0-3.865549 3.135362-7 6.999413-7 3.866399 0 7.000587 3.134451 7.000587 7s-3.134188 7-7.000587 7c-3.864051-.0011735-6.999413-3.134451-6.999413-7z" fill="#fff"/><path d="m24.5 13c-5.9375292 0-11.312426 2.406268-15.20299427 6.2967181-3.89069464 3.8905765-6.29700573 9.2654765-6.29700573 15.2027199 0 5.9377549 2.40625962 11.3128391 6.29681766 15.2035153 3.89059104 3.8907092 9.26556184 6.2970467 15.20318234 6.2970467 5.9371249 0 11.3122514-2.406419 15.2030371-6.2973229 3.8905441-3.8906623 6.2969629-9.2656416 6.2969629-15.2032391 0-5.937086-2.4064703-11.3118811-6.297151-15.2024437-3.890763-3.8906448-9.2658154-6.2969943-15.202849-6.2969943z" fill="#000"/><g fill="#fff"><path d="m136 24.499438c0 10.2185232 8.282911 18.500562 18.501124 18.500562 10.217089 0 18.498876-8.2820388 18.498876-18.500562 0-10.2173992-8.281787-18.499438-18.498876-18.499438-10.218213 0-18.501124 8.2820388-18.501124 18.499438zm-6 0c0-13.5311954 10.96929-24.499438 24.501124-24.499438 13.530838 0 24.498876 10.9683711 24.498876 24.499438 0 13.5319607-10.967808 24.500562-24.498876 24.500562-13.532064 0-24.501124-10.9684728-24.501124-24.500562z" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="3"/><path d="m6 34.499438c0 10.2185232 8.2817873 18.500562 18.5 18.500562 10.2170889 0 18.5-8.2820388 18.5-18.500562 0-10.2173992-8.2829111-18.499438-18.5-18.499438-10.2182127 0-18.5 8.2820388-18.5 18.499438zm-6 0c0-13.531297 10.9682681-24.499438 24.5-24.499438 13.5309398 0 24.5 10.9684728 24.5 24.499438 0 13.5318591-10.96883 24.500562-24.5 24.500562-13.531962 0-24.5-10.9683711-24.5-24.500562z" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="3"/><path d="m24 31c0-3.865549 3.134451-7 7-7s7 3.134451 7 7-3.134451 7-7 7-7-3.134451-7-7z"/></g></g><g stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="11"><g stroke="#ecb732"><path d="m70.5 377.5 74 77"/><path d="m134.5 386.5-47 50"/></g><g stroke="#ecb732" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 298 377)"><path d="m.5.5 74 77"/><path d="m64.5 9.5-47 50"/></g><g stroke="#ffc73b" transform="matrix(0 1 -1 0 215 207)"><path d="m.5.5 49 49"/><path d="m.5 10.5 49 49" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 50 0)"/></g></g></g></svg>',
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}) as any,
srcDir: './src',
Expand Down
83 changes: 51 additions & 32 deletions docs/src/core-concepts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,41 +4,25 @@ title: useRegle

# `useRegle`

`useRegle` is the core of all your forms. This composable takes a state and a set of rules as inputs and provides everything you need as output.
`useRegle` is the core of the validation logic.

Let’s look at a simple example to understand how it works:
It takes as input:

``` ts twoslash [useRegle.ts]
import { useRegle } from '@regle/core';

const { r$ } = useRegle({ name: '' }, {
name: {
// rules
- Your **state** (either plain object, `ref`, `reactive`, or nested `refs`)
- Your **rules** that will match de structure of your state
- (Optional) Your modifiers

## `r$`

If you’ve used Vuelidate before, useRegle functions similarly to `v$`.

Regle is a reactive object containing various computed properties and methods that you can freely use based on your requirements.

You can find all the [available properties here](/core-concepts/validation-properties)

``` ts twoslash
// @noErrors
```vue [App.vue]
<script setup lang='ts'>
import { useRegle } from '@regle/core';
import { required } from '@regle/rules';
const { r$ } = useRegle({ name: '' }, {
name: { required }

// ^|
const { r$ } = useRegle(/* state */, /* rules */, /* modifiers */);

## State

The first parameter of `useRegle` is the state. It will be targeted by your rules.
Expand All @@ -54,24 +38,59 @@ If you pass a reactive state, you have the flexibility to bind your model either

## Rules

The second parameter of `useRegle` is the rules declaration, you can declare a tree matching your input state. Each property can then declare a record of validation rules to define its `$invalid` state.
The second parameter of `useRegle` is the rules declaration, you can declare a tree matching your input state.

Each property can then declare a record of validation rules to define its `$invalid` state.

Regle provide a list of default rules that you can use from `@regle/rules`.

You can find the [list of built-in rules here](/core-concepts/rules/built-in-rules)


``` ts twoslash
import {ref} from 'vue';
// @noErrors
// ---cut---
import { useRegle } from '@regle/core';
import { required, num } from '@regle/rules';
// ^|
import { required } from '@regle/rules';

const state = ref({
user: {
firstName: '',
lastName: ''
title: '',

const { r$ } = useRegle({ title: '', user: { firstName: '', lastName: '' }}, {
const { r$ } = useRegle(state, {
user: {
firstName: { required },
lastName: { required },
title: { "" }
title: { m }
// ^|

## `r$`

If you’ve used Vuelidate before, useRegle behave similarly to `v$`.

Regle is a reactive object containing various computed properties and methods that you can freely use based on your requirements.

You can find all the [available properties here](/core-concepts/validation-properties)

``` ts twoslash
// @noErrors
import { useRegle } from '@regle/core';
import { required } from '@regle/rules';

const { r$ } = useRegle({ email: '' }, {
email: { required }

// ^|

145 changes: 15 additions & 130 deletions docs/src/core-concepts/rules/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,22 @@ title: Rules

Rules are the core concept of Regle (and also it's name 🙄).

A rule is a function (inline or created with the `createRule` helper) that receive the matching value and return either a boolean or an object with a $valid property. If the validation passes, return true or an object containing at least `{ $valid: boolean }`, false otherwise.
A rule is created using either:

- An inline function
- `createRule`

The rule take the value (and parameters if there is) as input, and will return the result as output.

The **result** can either be:

- `boolean`
- An object containing at least the `{$valid: boolean}` property.

The boolean represent the result of the validation.

You can jump directly into the [createRule section](/core-concepts/rules/advanced-rules) to see more advanced features
You can jump directly into the [createRule section](/core-concepts/rules/reusable-rules) to see more advanced features

## Inline rules
Expand All @@ -22,7 +34,7 @@ const someAsyncCall = async () => await Promise.resolve(true);
// ---cut---
import type { Maybe, InlineRuleDeclaration } from '@regle/core';

const customRuleInline = (value: Maybe<string>) => value === 'regle'
const customRuleInline = (value: Maybe<string>) => value === 'regle';

/** Async rule that will activate the $pending state of your field */
const customRuleInlineAsync = async (value: Maybe<string>) => {
Expand All @@ -36,130 +48,3 @@ const customRuleInlineWithMetaData = ((value: Maybe<string>) => ({
})) satisfies InlineRuleDeclaration;

Inline rules are then usable with a set of tools from `@regle/rules`

### `withMessage`

This tool take your rule as a first argument and your error message as a second. It will define what error to set

``` ts twoslash {3-11}
// @noErrors
import {useRegle, type InlineRuleDeclaration, type Maybe} from '@regle/core';
import {withMessage} from '@regle/rules';

const customRuleInlineWithMetaData = ((value: Maybe<string>) => ({
$valid: value === 'regle',
foo: 'bar' as const
})) satisfies InlineRuleDeclaration;

// ---cut---
const {r$} = useRegle({name: ''}, {
name: {
// Inline functions can be also written... inline
customRule1: withMessage((value) => !!value, "Custom Error"),
customRule2: withMessage(customRuleInlineWithMetaData, "Custom Error"),

// You can also access current value and metadata with a getter function
customRule3: withMessage(
({ $value, foo }) => `Custom Error: ${$value} ${foo}`
// ^?

### `withParams`

You rule result can sometimes depends on an other part of your component or store.
For this, `useRegle` can already observe the changes by changing the rule object to a getter function or a computed.

useRegle({}, { /* rules */})


useRegle({}, () => ({ /* rules */ }))
// or
const rules = computed(() => ({/* rules */ }))
useRegle({}, rules)

But sometimes, values cannot be tracked properly, so you can use this tool to force dependencies on a rule

``` ts twoslash {7-9}
// @noErrors
import {useRegle} from '@regle/core';
import {ref} from 'vue';
// ---cut---
import {withParams} from '@regle/rules';

const base = ref('foo');

const {r$} = useRegle({name: ''}, {
name: {
customRule: withParams((value, param) => value === param, [base]),
// or
customRule: withParams((value, param) => value === param, [() => base.value]),

### `withAsync`

withAsync works the same as `withParams`, but for async rules depending on external values

``` ts twoslash {7}
// @noErrors
import {useRegle} from '@regle/core';
import {ref} from 'vue';
const someAsyncCall = async (param: string) => await Promise.resolve(true);

// ---cut---
import {withAsync} from '@regle/rules';

const base = ref('foo');

const {r$} = useRegle({name: ''}, {
name: {
customRule: withAsync(async (value, param) => await someAsyncCall(param), [base]),

### Chaining helpers

Rule tools can work with each other and still keeps thing typed

``` ts twoslash {9-14}
// @noErrors
import {useRegle} from '@regle/core';
import {ref} from 'vue';
const someAsyncCall = async (param: string) => await Promise.resolve(true);
// ---cut---
import {withAsync, withMessage} from '@regle/rules';

const base = ref(1);

const { r$ } = useRegle(
{ name: 0 },
name: {
customRule: withMessage(
async (value, param) => await someAsyncCall(param),
({ $params: [param] }) => `Custom error: ${value} != ${param}`
// ^?

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