Terraform module which creates VM resources on VMware ESXI hypervisor host using https://registry.terraform.io/providers/josenk/esxi/
These types of resources are supported:
- vm
The only external dependency is VMware ESXI host. No VMware vCenter required, no VMshpere Terraform provider required! Just your infracode + VM template files stored locally.
- VMware ESXI hypervisor host:
- ESXI version >= 6.7
- SSH enabled
- Localhost software:
- Terraform >= 0.13.5
- VMware ovftool >= 4.4.1 (https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/details?productId=614&downloadGroup=OVFTOOL420)
- OVA/OVF format VM template image with installed packages:
- vm-open-tools (https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/releases, for RHEL/CentOS you can just run
yum install open-vm-tools
) - cloud-init (for RHEL/CentOS you can use package https://github.com/vmware/cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo/releases/download/v1.1.0/cloud-init-vmware-guestinfo-1.1.0-1.el7.noarch.rpm)
- vm-open-tools (https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/releases, for RHEL/CentOS you can just run
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
count | VM instances count to create. | number | yes | |
vm_name_base | VM instance name base. | string | vm |
no |
vm_os_type | VM os type supported by VMware ESXI. Examples: centos7-64 . |
string | yes | |
vm_spec_memory | VM memory capacity spec. | string | 512 |
no |
vm_spec_cpu_cores | VM cpu core count spec. | string | 1 |
no |
vm_image_template_file | OVA/OVF format VM image template file absolute local path. | string | yes | |
vm_poweron | VM power on/off. | string | on |
no |
vm_notes | VM notes (annotation). | string | no | |
vm_ssh_user_name | VM ssh user name. | string | yes | |
vm_ssh_user_password | VM ssh user name. | string | yes | |
esxi_network_name | ESXI's network resource name attached to VM. Example: VM Network . |
string | yes | |
esxi_datastore_name | ESXI's datastore resource name to store VM files. Example: datastore0 . |
string | yes |
terraform {
required_version = ">= 0.13"
required_providers {
esxi = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/josenk/esxi"
provider "esxi" {
esxi_hostssl = var.esxi_host_sslport
esxi_hostname = var.esxi_host_address
esxi_hostport = var.esxi_host_port
esxi_username = var.esxi_user_name
esxi_password = var.esxi_user_password
variable "esxi_host_sslport" {
description = "ESXI host's ssl port."
type = string
default = "443"
variable "esxi_host_address" {
description = "ESXI host's address."
type = string
variable "esxi_host_port" {
description = "ESXI host's ssh port."
type = string
variable "esxi_user_name" {
description = "ESXI host's ssh user name."
type = string
variable "esxi_user_password" {
description = "ESXI host's ssh user password."
type = string
module "esxi-vm" {
source = "github.com/vfabi/terraform-module-esxi-vm?ref=1.1"
count = 2
# Provider explicit definition (optional).
providers = {
esxi = esxi
vm_name_base = "myvm" # optional, default="vm"
vm_name_postfix = count.index
vm_os_type = "centos7-64"
vm_spec_memory = "768" # optional, default="512"
vm_spec_cpu_cores = "1" # optional, default="1"
vm_image_template_file = "/localhost/my/path/centos7-minimal.cloud-init.x86_64.ova"
vm_poweron = "on" # optional, default=on
vm_ssh_user_name = "user"
vm_ssh_user_password = "Yua89_26gHa_eYu7q"
vm_notes = "some vm notes"
esxi_network_name = "VM Network"
esxi_datastore_name = "datastore0"
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