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Package Manager

Emmett1 edited this page May 12, 2021 · 1 revision


Venom Linux use scratchpkg as main package manager. scratchpkg is simple package manager that written in POSIX shell script. Here is basic use as end user should know:


Mostly user need to use scratch to manage packages.

$ scratch help
    scratch <options> [<arg>]

    install <ports> <arg>    install ports (use pkgbuild arg, except '-i' & '-u')
                             -r|--reinstall   reinstall
                             -n|--no-dep      skip dependencies
                             -y|--yes         skip ask user permission
                             --exclude=*      exclude dependencies, comma separated

    upgrade <ports> <arg>    upgrade ports (use pkgbuild arg, except '-i' & '-r')
                             -n|--no-dep      skip dependencies
                             -y|--yes         skip ask user permission
                             --exclude=*      exclude dependencies, comma separated

    remove  <ports> <arg>    remove installed ports (use pkgdel arg)
                             -y|--yes         skip ask user permission

    sysup           <arg>    full system upgrade (use pkgbuild arg, except '-i', '-r'  & '-u')
                             -n|--no-dep      skip dependencies
                             -y|--yes         skip ask user permission
                             --exclude=*      exclude dependencies, comma separated

    deplist <ports>          print all dependencies for ports
                             -q|--quick       skip installed ports
                             --exclude=*      exclude dependencies, comma separated

    build   <ports> <arg>    build ports (use pkgbuild arg, except '-i', '-u', '-r', '-g', & '-p')
                             --log            log build process (/var/log/pkgbuild.log)

    trigger   [ports]        run system trigger
    search    <pattern>      find ports in repo
    cat       <port>         print spkgbuild
    depends   <port>         print dependencies
    dependent <port>         print dependent
    path      <port>         print path in repo
    provide   <files>        print port's provided files
    readme    <port>         print readme file, if exist
    files     <port>         print files installed
    info      <port>         print information
    locate    <files>        print location of files in ports repo
    sync                     update ports database
    outdate                  print outdated ports
    cache                    print and clear old pkg and src caches
    integrity                check installed port integrity
    dup                      print duplicate ports in repo
    installed                print all installed ports
    missingdep               print missing dependencies
    orphan                   print orphan installed ports
    foreign                  print foreign ports
    help                     print this help msg


revdep is script to check broken packages caused by changed soname by certain installed library. revdep is advised to run after package upgrades and removals.

$ revdep -h
  revdep [option] [arg]

  -a, --all                         print all affected files
  -r, --rebuild                     rebuild & reinstall broken package
  -p, --package <pkg>               check for certain package
  -f, --no-filter                   skip filter (exclude) dirs, files and libraries
  -e, --exclude <pkg1 pkg2 pkgN>    exclude package when rebuild (use with -r/--rebuild)
  -y, --yes                         dont ask user confirmation to rebuild package (use with -r/--rebuild)
  -h, --help


portsync is script to sync latest ports. portsync is similar to scratch sync.


Repo directory is define in /etc/scratchpkg.repo with the url to fetch from. Example:

# your local repo

# official venom repo

repo order is matter, if theres duplicate ports exist within repos, ports in higher priority repo is used.

local repo

If you want to set up local repo just add your repo path into /etc/scratchpkg.repo. If you have duplicate ports from other repos, make sure your repo is above other repos.


You can exclude certain packages upgrades from scratch sysup by adding it into /etc/scratchpkg.mask. Example if you want to keep current version of gcc and glibc:

# echo gcc >> /etc/scratchpkg.mask
# echo glibc >> /etc/scratchpkg.mask

then everytime you run scratch sysup, gcc and glibc will be ignored.


You can point certain dependency into other ports by making port alias in /etc/scratchpkg.alias. Example if you want to use rust-bin instead of rust because compiling rust from source required a lot of resources and time.

# echo 'rust rust-bin' >> /etc/scratchpkg.alias

from now on, any ports depends on rust will pull rust-bin instead. You can also ignore certain dependency by making port alias into empty port. Example:

# echo 'libva' >> /etc/scratchpkg.alias

then libva will not pulled by scratch as dependency of any ports.