This is a simple website (HTML/CSS) to show whether the elevators in Marine Drive are operational. The project was inspired by one of the elevators in my dorm being down for 3-4 months, and the other being less than reliable!
Check out the website here:
This site is mobile responsive!
I have a basic html file containing markup, with vanilla CSS for styling. One neat part is the "(not) working" section (eg. line 37-39) where a CSS class hides text based on whether the elevator is working.
Not much to explain for CSS, mainly just styling. The only clever part is changing the colours/text based on whether the 'working' class exists.
I have a python script ( that parses index.html using the BeautifulSoup library, modifies the left_lift/right_lift elements to either include the 'working' class. This is used by update_elevators.yml, which then automatically pushes the changes to master.
Feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like to know more about this project 😄