- Authentication - The Authentication Service is responsible for handling user authentication and authorization. It provides endpoints for user registration and login.
- Customer - The Customer Service manages customer-related operations within the application. It handles buying services, cancelling orders and viewing order history.
- Freelancer - The Freelancer Service handles operations related to freelancers. It manages freelancer profiles along with their ability to add, delete or update services.
Navigate to the respective folders with Dockerfiles
docker build -t authentication-service .
docker build -t customer-service .
docker build -t freelancer-service .
Disable active MySQL running on localhost with port 3306
docker network create mynetwork
docker run -d --name mysql-db --network mynetwork -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -e MYSQL_DATABASE=253_265_284_309 -p 3306:3306 mysql:latest
docker run -d --name authentication-container -p 5001:5001 --network mynetwork authentication-service
docker run -d --name customer-container -p 5002:5002 --network mynetwork customer-service
docker run -d --name freelancer-container -p 5003:5003 --network mynetwork freelancer-service
Navigate to the respective folders with Manifest files
kubectl apply -f authentication-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f customer-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f freelancer-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f authentication-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f customer-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f freelancer-service.yaml
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get services