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DEPRECATED - има критични промени от страна борика по подписите които не са отразени.

Към момента това е просто тестов пример.

За да го тествате първо трябва да въведете стойности на, или техните еквиваленти за реална среда:

$terminal_id, $merchant_test_private_key,$merchant_test_passphrase,$borica_test_public_key,$test_return_url

Ако нямате сървър може да използвате: bash docker-compose up -d

Отваряте в браузера : localhost ще видите елементарна форма с предварително попълнени данни.

Ако полето "P_SIGN" и или "NONCE" са празни, значи имате проблеми с ключовете.

Този скрипт е тестван и работи на 2 терминала в тестов модел.


  1. Добавяне на коректна документация.
  2. Добавяне на различните видове заявки към APGW

Скрипта работи на PHP >=5.6

Работеща генерация на ключ на сървъра:

# {terminal} - terminal id 
# {date} - current date format is YYYYMMDD
# {sate} - P for production or D for development
openssl genrsa -out {teminal_id}_{date}_{state}.key -aes256 2048 #generate private key
openssl req -new -key {teminal_id}_{date}_{state}.key -out {teminal_id}_{date}_{state}.csr

Response codes

00 Sucessfull
=> Timeout
"01" Refer to card issuer
"04" Pick Up
"05" Do not Honour
"13" Invalid amount
"30" Format error
"65" Soft Decline
"91" Issuer or switch is inoperative
"96" System Malfunction
-1 A mandatory request field is not filled in / В заявката не е попълнено задължително поле
-3 Acquirer host (NS) does not respond or wrong format of e-gateway response template file / Aвторизационният хост не отговаря или форматът на отговора е неправилен
-4 No connection to the acquirer host (NS) / Няма връзка с авторизационния хост
-11 Error in the "Currency" request field / Грешка в поле "Валута" в заявката
-12 Error in the "Merchant ID" request field / Грешка в поле "Merchant ID / Идентификатор на търговец
-15 Error in the "RRN" request field / Грешка в поле "RRN" в заявката
-17 Грешка при проверка на P_SIGN
-19 Error in the authentication information request or authentication failed / Грешка в искането за автентификация или неуспешна автентификация
-20 A permitted time interval (1 hour by default) between the transaction Time Stam prequest field and the e-Gateway time is exceeded / Разрешената разлика между времето на сървъра на търговеца и e-Gateway сървъра е надвишена
-21 The transaction has already been executed / Транзакцията вече е била изпълнена
-25 Transaction canceled (e.g. by user) / Транзакцията е отказана (напр. от картодържателя
-27 Invalid merchant name / Неправилно име на търговеца
-32 Duplicate declined transaction / Дублирана отказана транзакция


Примери благодарение на dimitarminchev.

Borica Request 1.0

Изпращане на заявка: borica_request.php

Request Test Credit Cards

CART Number Response code
5100770000000022 00
4341792000000044 00 3DS pass: 111111
5555000000070019 04
5555000000070027 13
5555000000070035 91
4010119999999897 amount dependant
5100789999999895 amount dependant 3DS pass: 111111

Request Amount Dependant Credit Cards

1.00 - 1.99 01 Refer to card issuer
2.00 - 2.99 04 Pick Up
3.00 - 3.99 05 Do not Honour
4.00 - 4.99 13 Invalid amount
5.00 - 5.99 30 Format error
6.00 - 6.99 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
7.00 - 7.99 96 System Malfunction
8.00 - 8.99 Timeout
30.00 - 40.00 01 Refer to card issuer
50.00 - 70.00 04 Pick Up
80.00 - 90.00 05 Do not Honour
100.00 - 110.00 13 Invalid amount
120.00 - 130.00 30 Format error
140.00 - 150.00 91 Issuer or switch is inoperative
160.00 - 170.00 96 System Malfunction
180.00 - 190.00 Timeout
10000.65 - 10000.65 65/1A Soft Decline

Borica Response 1.0

Получаване на отговор: borica_response.php

Responce Codes ISO-8583

Code Meaning
0 Successful approval/completion or that VIP PIN verification is valid
1 Refer to card issuer
2 Refer to card issuer, special condition
3 Invalid merchant or service provider
4 Pickup
5 Do not honor
6 General error
7 Pickup card, special condition (other than lost/stolen card)
8 Honor with identification
9 Request in progress
10 Partial approval
11 VIP approval
12 Invalid transaction
13 Invalid amount (currency conversion field overflow) or amount exceeds maximum for card program
14 Invalid account number (no such number)
15 No such issuer
16 Insufficient funds
17 Customer cancellation
18 Customer dispute
19 Re-enter transaction
20 Invalid response
21 No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
22 Suspected Malfunction
23 unacceptable transaction fee
24 File update not supported by receiver
25 Unable to locate record in file, or account number is missing from the inquiry
26 Duplicate file update record, old record replaced
27 File update field edit error
28 File is temporarily unavailable
29 File update not successful, contact acquirer
30 Format error
31 Bank not supported
32 Completed partially
33 Expired card
34 Suspected fraud
35 Card acceptor contact acquirer
36 Restricted card
37 Card acceptor call acquirer security
38 Allowed PIN tries exceeded
39 No credit account
40 Requested function not supported
41 Merchant should retain card (card reported lost)
42 No universal account
43 Merchant should retain card (card reported stolen)
51 Insufficient funds
52 No checking account
53 No savings account
54 Expired card
55 Incorrect PIN
56 No Card Record
57 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58 Transaction not allowed at terminal
59 Suspected fraud
61 Activity amount limit exceeded
62 Restricted card (for example, in country exclusion table)
63 Security violation
65 Activity count limit exceeded
68 Response received too late
75 Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
76 Unable to locate previous message (no match on retrieval reference number)
77 Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message
78 ’Blocked, first used’—The transaction is from a new cardholder, and the card has not been properly unblocked.
80 Visa transactions: credit issuer unavailable. Private label and check acceptance: Invalid date
81 PIN cryptographic error found (error found by VIC security module during PIN decryption)
82 Negative CAM, dCVV, iCVV, or CVV results
83 Unable to verify PIN
85 No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, CVV2 verification; or a credit voucher or merchandise return
91 Issuer unavailable or switch inoperative (STIP not applicable or available for this transaction)
92 Destination cannot be found for routing
93 Transaction cannot be completed, violation of law
94 Duplicate transmission
95 Reconcile error
96 System malfunction, System malfunction or certain field error conditions
B1 Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only)
N0 Force STIP
N3 Cash service not available
N4 Cashback request exceeds issuer limit
N7 Decline for CVV2 failure
P2 Invalid biller information
P5 PIN change/unblock request declined
P6 Unsafe PIN
Q1 Card authentication failed
R0 Stop payment order
R1 Revocation of authorization order
R3 Revocation of all authorizations order
XA Forward to issuer
XD Forward to issuer
Z3 Unable to go online
-1 A mandatory request field is not filled in
-2 Bad CGI request
-3 Acquirer host (NS) does not respond or wrong format of e-gateway response template file
-4 No connection to the acquirer host (NS)
-9 Error in the "Card expiration date" request field
-11 Error in the "Currency" request field
-12 Error in the "Merchant ID" request field
-15 Error in the "RRN" request field
-17 The terminal is denied access to the e-Gateway
-19 Error in the authentication information request or authentication failed
-20 A permitted time interval (1 hour by default) between the transaction Time Stam prequest field and the e-Gateway time is exceeded
-21 The transaction has already been executed
-24 Transaction context mismatch
-25 Transaction canceled (e.g. by user)
-27 Invalid merchant name
-32 Duplicate declined transaction


Borica working example for PHP dev.








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