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Web3 signers provides a uniform interface for signing EIP-1271 messages in dart.


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web3 signers

A flutter plugin that provides a uniform interface for signing EIP-1271 messages on dart.


✅ passkey signatures
✅ EOA wallet (mnemonic backed)
✅ privateKey signatures

Quick synopsis

import 'package:web3_signers/web3_signers.dart';

Working with passkeys

passkeys signer conforms to the multi-signer-interface and allows you to sign payloads using your device passkeys. It falls under the secp256r1 category and can be verified on-chain using the P256Verifier precompile.

final PassKeySigner pkpSigner = PassKeySigner(
  "", // replace with your relying party Id (domain name)
  "variance", // replace with your relying party name
  "", // replace with your relying party origin

// register a new passkey
PassKeyPair pkp = await pkpSigner.register("[email protected]", "test user"); 
// username is `[email protected]` and is required
// diplay name is `test user` and is recommended to provide it during registration

If you already know the credentialIds created for the user, you can pass the knownCredentials as thus:

final PassKeySigner pkpSigner = PassKeySigner(
  "", // replace with your relying party Id (domain name)
  "variance", // replace with your relying party name
  "", // replace with your relying party origin
  knownCredentials: Set<Bytes>.from(<Uint8List>[Uint8List(32), Uint8List(32)])>

This enables the authenticator to filter the passkeys presented to the user for signing operations.

Note credential Id's are returned in the passkeyPair in both raw format and base64 format.

Passkey signatures

There are 3 methods of signing a payload using the paskey signer.

  • method 1: using personalSign

personal sign returns a Uint8List which is an encoded representation of the passkeySignature object needed onchain. in order to extract the individual values, you have to split it according to FCLSignature and decode the data using abi.decode(bytes, bytes, uint256[2]). The signed challenge is only known to you. It is assumed your relying party is aware of this challenge which should be Base64Url encoded.

final sig = await pkpSigner.personalSign(Uint8List(32));
  • method 2: using signToEc

Similar to personalSign, it conforms to the multi-signer-interface and returns an instance of msgSignature containing the r, s and v values of the signature. Effectively v is 0;

final sig = await pkpSigner.signToEc(Uint8List(32));

This returns only the r and s values. This is not recommended for verifications as the clientDataJson is not available with it.

  • method 3: using signToPasskeySignature

This is not part of the multi-signer-interface but is actually being called internally by personalSign and signToEc and returns the raw passkeySignature object.

final PassKeySignature sig = await pkpSigner.signToPasskeySignature(Uint8List(32));

For each of the method above you can pass in an index if you have knownCredentials. prompting the authenticator to specifically sign with a particular credential. e.g await pkpSigner.signToPasskeySignature(Uint8List(32), 2); // signing with knowwnCredential at index 2

Working with Privatey keys

The private key signer conform to the multi-signer-interface and is the most basic signer.

final PrivateKeySigner signer = PrivateKeySigner.createRandom("password");

You can manully instantiate the privateKey signer

final Random random =;
final EthPrivateKey privKey = EthPrivateKey.createRandom(random);
final PrivateKeySigner signer = PrivateKeySigner.create(privKey, "password", random);

You can load from an encrypted backup

final PrivateKeySigner signer = PrivateKeySigner.fromJson("source", "password");

To sign transactions, use any of personalSign or signToEc

final Uint8List payload = Uint8List(32); // bytes32(0)
final signature = await signer.signToEc(payload);
log("r: ${signature.r}, s: ${signature.s}") // r and s are both bigint format

Building an EOA wallet

Beyond EIP-1271 messages. the web3-signers package can be relied upon for developing fully featured Externally Owned Accounts like Metamask using the EOAWallet class. The EOA wallet conforms to the multi-signer-interface, hence it can be used to create signers that are backed with a seed phrase.

// creates a new EOA wallet
EOAWallet eoaWallet = EOAWallet.createWallet();

// by the default a 12 word phrase signer is created, in order to create a 24 word phrase you need to specify it
eoaWallet = EOAWallet.createWallet(WordLength.word_24); // returns 24 word phrase signer

// retrieve the account seed phrase
final mnemonic = eoaWallet.exportMnemonic();

// recover eoa wallet from seed phrase
eoaWallet = EOAWallet.recoverAccount(mnemonic);

// generate a new deterministic account
final accountOne = eoaWallet.addAccount(1);

// export the private key of an account
final accountZer0PrivKey = eoaWallet.exportPrivateKey(0);
final accountOnePrivKey = eoaWallet.exportPrivateKey(1);

// get account address
String accountZer0Address = eoaWallet.zerothAddress;
// or
accountZer0Address = eoaWallet.getAddress();
final accountOneAddress = eoaWallet.getAddress(index: 1);

The signToEc and personalSign methods are available for signing transactions. optionally, you can use the exportedPrivateKey to sign transactions DIY.

Handling Der Encoded data

  • convert a Der Encoded public key to Tuple(x,y)
final derDecoded = getPublicKeyFromBytes(derCodedData);
  • convert a Der Encoded signature to Tuple(r,s)
final derDecoded = getMessagingSignature(derCodedSig);

Multi Signer Interface

The Multi Signer Interface or (MSI), provides a uniform interface that must be implemented across different signer types.

Any class inheriting the MSI must adhere to the following:

abstract class MultiSignerInterface {
    /// You must specify a dummy signature that matches your transaction signature standard.
    String getDummySignature();
    /// Generates a public address of the signer.
    String getAddress({int? index});
    /// Signs the provided [hash] using the personal sign method.
    Future<Uint8List> personalSign(Uint8List hash, {int? index});
    /// Signs the provided [hash] using elliptic curve algorithm and returns the r and s values.
    Future<MsgSignature> signToEc(Uint8List hash, {int? index});


Feature Android iOS Web
generate passkeypair
sign with passkey
Generate EOA wallet
Sign For EOA account
Private key signer

Platform specific configuration


  • Configuring passkeys for iOS

    1. Set up Universal Links. follow this guide.
  • Configuring ios secure enclave

    1. Set your platform :ios to be minimum of 12.4


  • Set your minSdkVersion to 28

  • Configuring android passkeys

    • Set up App Links. follow this guide.
    • Make sure your have "delegate_permission/common.get_login_creds" in your assetlinks.json. Refer to this guide.
  • Example: how to get your app SHA256 certificate required in your assetlinks.json file. Use this guide.

    keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android/