daal4py 2020.2
Introduced new functionality:
- Thunder method for Support Vector Machine (SVM) training algorithm, which demonstrates better training time than the existing sequential minimal optimization method
Extended existing functionality:
- Training with the number of features greater than the number of observations for Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, and Principal Component Analysis
- New sample_weights parameter for SVM algorithm
- New parameter in K-Means algorithm, resultsToEvaluate, which controls computation of centroids, assignments, and exact objective function
Improved performance for the following:
- Support Vector Machine training and prediction, Elastic Net and LASSO training, Principal Component Analysis training and transform, K-D tree based k-Nearest Neighbors prediction
- K-Means algorithm in batch computation mode
- RBF kernel function
Deprecated 32-bit support:
- 2020 product line will be the last one to support 32-bit
Introduced improvements to daal4py library:
- Performance optimizations for pandas input format
- Scikit-learn compatible API for AdaBoost classifier, Decision Tree classifier, and Gradient Boosted Trees classifier and regressor
Improved performance of the following Intel Scikit-learn algorithms and functions:
- fit and prediction in K-Means and Support Vector Classification (SVC), fit in Elastic Net and LASSO, fit and transform in PCA
- Support Vector Classification (SVC) with non-default weights of samples and classes
- train_test_split() and assert_all_finite()
To install this package with conda run the following:
conda install -c intel daal4py