Final Paper:
Our project was divided into two arms: a behavioral analysis of gender differences in a novel Theory of Mind (ToM) task, and an analysis of associated functional MRI (fMRI) data from the same participants.
Behavioral Analysis
Data located in psych532-ToM-project/behavioral_data
'ToMBooklet1_gender.csv' contains unique subject identifiers and the participant's gender for participants who received ToM Booklet 1.
'ToMBooklet1-Data.csv' contains unique subject identifiers and all of the participant's answers for each of the questions of ToM Booklet 1.
'ToMBooklet2_gender.csv' contains unique subject identifiers and the participant's gender for participants who received ToM Booklet 2.
'ToMBooklet2-Data.csv' contains unique subject identifiers and all of the participant's answers for each of the questions of ToM Booklet 2.
Analyses located in psych532-ToM-project/behavioral_analysis
'00_download_booklet.R' contains code to download the data directly from Open Science Framework (OSF).
'02_behavioral_differences.Rmd' contains code to analyze Booklet 2 data by individual question and question cluster. Summary statistics and gender differences are calculated. Group-level visualizations are created here.
'forloop_TOM_gender.rmd' contains code to analyze gender differences for each specific age.
'tom_bk1_analysis.rmd' contains all of the relevant code for analyzing Booklet 1, including group-level summary statistics and gender differences (for both individual questions and question clusters), as well as summary statistics and gender differences for each individual age. Age-specific visualizations are created here.
'tom_bk2_analysis.rmd' contains all of the relevant code for analyzing Booklet 2, including group-level summary statistics and gender differences (for both individual questions and question clusters), as well as summary statistics and gender differences for each individual age. Age-specific visualizations are created here.
Additional information about the analyses conducted can be found in the comments of each .Rmd script.
Neuroimaging Analysis
Replication analysis located in psych532-ToM-project/neuroimaging_replication
Extension analysis located in psych532-ToM-project/neuroimaging_extension
Data located: TODO
Analysis specific READMEs can be found in each folder.