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Serial Data Protocol

Kaelin Laundry edited this page Aug 24, 2019 · 1 revision

General Format

UART messages sent between the MCB and the Jetson will be a string of bytes in the following format

Starting offset (bytes) Length (bytes) Name Description
0 1 Header constant 0xA5
1 1 Data Length [0] length of data to be read in bytes, n. 8 MSB
2 1 Data Length [1] length of data to be read in bytes, n. 8 LSB
3 2 Blank blank
5 1 Message Type [0] a user-chosen "type" flag. 8 MSB
6 1 Message Type [1] a user-chosen "type" flag. 8 LSB
7 n Data The actual data sent

Below are the specifications for the different type of messages:

Soldier/ Sentinel

Turret Bearing

Jetson-> MCB

Idx Attribute Value
1 Data Length [0] 0x00
2 Data Length [1] 0x04
5 Message type [0] 0x00
6 Message type [1] 0x01
7 pitch[0] MSB of pitch to 1 decimal place * 10
8 pitch[1] LSB of pitch to 1 decimal place * 10
9 yaw[0] MSB of yaw to 1 decimal place * 10
10 yaw[0] LSB of yaw to 1 decimal place * 10

To send turret bearings to the MCB, take the targeted pitch and yaw angles (in degrees) and multiply by 10, then truncate to integers.

Example Message:

Data to be sent: pitch=12.6, yaw=69.0

Multiply pitch by 10 and you get 126, multiply yaw by 10 and you get 690.

Hex Representation of 126 is 0x007E, 690 is 0x02B2

Final Message:

0x69 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x7E 0x02 0xB2

Turret Feedback

MCB -> Jetson

Idx Attribute Value
1 Data Length [0] 0x00
2 Data Length [1] 0x04
5 Message type [0] 0x00
6 Message type [1] 0x01
7 pitch[0] MSB of pitch to 1 decimal place * 10
8 pitch[1] LSB of pitch to 1 decimal place * 10
9 yaw[0] MSB of yaw to 1 decimal place * 10
10 yaw[0] LSB of yaw to 1 decimal place * 10

Turret bearings feedback from the MCB are pitch and yaw angles (in degrees) multiplied by 10, then truncate to integers.