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UI deployment diagram and C&C #25

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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions Usecases/
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The UI microservices is split into 4 subservices<br>
#### 1.)Authentication<br>
- this service contains two actions: a login and register action<br>
- login: communicate with account information to validate credentials<br>
- register: communicate with account information to add new dredentials to account information<br>
#### 2.)Notification<br>
- this service generates and displays notifications when various tasks occur<br>
- some tasks include account info updates, updates to the triage record
#### 3.)TriageHandler<br>
- this service allows for triages to occur and triage records to be accessed.<br>
- communicates with the triage engine to perform triage<br>
- communicates with the triage record to get history

#### 4.)ER Service<br>
- this service allows for checking the current ED load from the ERDataSource<br><br>

#### internal:<br>
- Triage services requires the user to be logged in (from authentication)

#### External:<br>
- Authentication requires patient management to create patient credentials and validate patient credentials
- ERService requires ERDataSource from Health service management to determine load
- Notification services require patient management to determine changes in stored data to notify the patient about
- Triage services requires both patient management to access triage history and the triage engine from Health service management to perform a triage

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Usecases/
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The first thing a client will see when accessing our service
will be the UI and how it is portrayed. This web server contains
a HTML website,a .css file for display styles, and a javascript file
to request tasks using fast API. Fast API is an efficient web framework for connecting the web server and the application server.
On the application server are three types of services: Authentication, Notification, and a Triage data gatherer. The Authentication service takes a username and password from the website, then communicates with the patient management microservice to determine the validity of the credentials. After Validity/Denial, the website will update accordingly. The notification service will generate a text message according to the current ask (such as a login success message) and display it on the webpage for a set period. The triage data gatherer communicates with the patient management microservice to obtain the data from the user's most recent triage and display it on the webpage.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions Usecases/UI_deployment.drawio
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