Using a push to storage event driven model, execute a templated workflow against an application in the Azure Container Registry executed in Azure Batch. For HPC based workflows, tightly coupled MPI based workflows are also supported.
After git cloning the kit, deploy the storage-event-batch.json
in Azure Resource Manager filling in the relevant values. The ARM template is set to create if resource doesnt exist. As a tip keep track of the ids of the resources you deploy as you will need them later.
Upload the function from StorageEventBatchFunction
in the Azure Function created in the ARM deployment
Deploy your docker image into the Azure Container Registry
The EventGrid subscription operates on a filtered message uploading a *.zip file. The compressed archive will be extracted on the execute node. The event metrics panel will show you when an upload event fires and passes through to Azure Functions and Azure Batch You can further track detailed messages in the Azure Function logs as well as insights panel.
Upload a file into the input storage container and the cascade of events through the event grid and azure function should successfully submit a task in the job in the batch account.
You can use the Azure Storage Explorer and Batch Explorer to monitor job progress.