This terraform module creates a kubernetes cluster in GCP. It's designed to synergise well with tf_kube_ignition.
The input variables are documented in their description and it's best to refer to
- the endpoint on which the kubernetes api is made availablecfssl_data_volumeid
- id of cfssl persistent volumeetcd_data_volumeids
- list of ids of etcd persistent volumes
Below is an example of how you might use this terraform module:
module "cluster" {
source = ""
cluster_name = "k8s"
cluster_instance_tags = ["k8s-europe-west-2", "nat-gw"]
dns_zone = "${var.project_dns_zone}"
dns_domain = "k8s.${var.dns_zone_name}"
region = "europe-west-2"
available_zones = "[europe-west-2a, europe-west-2b, europe-west-2c]"
network_link = "${data.terraform_remote_state.core.main_vpc_link}"
subnetwork_link = "${google_compute_subnetwork.k8s.self_link}"
cfssl_server_address = "${var.cfssl_instance_address}"
cfssl_machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
cfssl_user_data = "${module.ignition.cfssl}"
etcd_addresses = "${var.etcd_instance_addresses}"
etcd_instance_count = "${var.etcd_instance_count}"
etcd_machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
etcd_data_volume_size = "50"
etcd_user_data = "${module.ignition.etcd}"
master_instance_type = "n1-standard-2"
master_instance_count = "3"
master_user_data = "${module.ignition.master}"
worker_instance_type = "n1-standard-2"
worker_instance_count = "3"
worker_user_data = "${module.ignition.worker}"