Live App:
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: usman
I along with my colleague Ammar(forked repo from his profile) and 3 others worked on this project to make our very first React Application. I primarily worked on the whole front-end with ReactJS on this application. We used to sit together and work due to local server limitations so I used to send him my work at the end of the day, and he commited the work on his git repository. At this point in time I was naive with respect to developing applications so the code here might not be the best, but this project was a major source of learning because my mistakes made me realize of how not to code to make scalable and robust applications using best coding practices. Since, then I've taken multiple online React Courses and have become comfortable with the ecosystem.
Smart School Management system is a web application which provide features such as storing and managing records of both students and faculties. It includes adding and updating personal information, classes, grades, attendence etc.
- First run npm install in the main folder
- Run npm install in the client folder
- In the main folder, run npm run dev
This project is built by using ReactJS on front-end and ExpressJS on the back-end (MERN Stack)