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heroicons.svelte 1.0.2

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @natoboram/heroicons.svelte@1.0.2
Install via package.json:
"@natoboram/heroicons.svelte": "1.0.2"

About this version


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Exports Heroicons for usage with Svelte.


Install @natoboram/heroicons.svelte:

pnpm add -D @natoboram/heroicons.svelte

Each icons can be imported individually as a Svelte component.

<script lang="ts">
	// Import the component from its size and icon type
	import { AcademicCap } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/20/solid'
	import { AdjustmentsHorizontal } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/24/outline'
	import { AdjustmentsVertical } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/24/solid'

	// Import the icon type from its size
	import { Solid as Solid20 } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/20'
	import { Outline as Outline24, Solid as Solid24 } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/24'

	// Import the name of the icon type, which is effectively the same as the import above
	import { Mini, Outline, Solid } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte'

	// Import `Heroicons`, which imports everything
	import { Heroicons } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte'

	// Use the Heroicon component with the icon's name
	import { Heroicon as HeroiconMini } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/20/solid'
	import { Heroicon as HeroiconOutline } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/24/outline'
	import { Heroicon as HeroiconSolid } from '@natoboram/heroicons.svelte/24/solid'

<!-- Import the component from its size and icon type -->
<AcademicCap class="h-5 w-5" />
<AdjustmentsHorizontal />
<AdjustmentsVertical />

<!-- Import the icon type from its size -->
<Solid20.ArchiveBoxArrowDown />
<Outline24.ArchiveBoxXMark class="h-6 w-6" />
<Solid24.ArchiveBox />

<!-- Import the name of the icon type, which is effectively the same as the import above -->
<Mini.ArrowDownCircle />
<Outline.ArrowDownLeft />
<Solid.ArrowDownOnSquareStack class="h-6 w-6" />

<!-- Import `Heroicons`, which imports everything -->
<Heroicons.Mini.ArrowDownOnSquare class="h-5 w-5" />
<Heroicons.Outline.ArrowDownRight />
<Heroicons.Solid.ArrowDownTray />

<!-- Use the Heroicon component with the icon's name -->
<HeroiconMini icon="arrow-down" />
<HeroiconOutline icon="arrow-left-circle" class="h-6 w-6" />
<HeroiconSolid icon="arrow-left-on-rectangle" />

You can send an arbitrary class to the components as if they were HTML elements. By default, they have a size set by the Tailwind classes w-5 h-5 or w-6 h-6, but if you set another class, then these size classes are not applied.


Once you've installed dependencies with pnpm install, start a Storybook server:

pnpm storybook

The entire package is auto-generated by scripts/build_heroicons.ts, so you might want to check out this file first.


To create a production version:

pnpm build-heroicons



  • heroicons.svelte-1.0.2.tgz

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