A collection of scripts to aid with Office 365 installs
Powershell script to manually clean up Office 365 installations. We have found sometimes upgrading from a basic install to a Publisher Access install hangs and needs a good clean/uninstall.
The steps for the uninstall were taken from here and adapted to a PowerShell script:
Microsoft Article on manual uninstalls
Small utility to clean off all Skype SIP files on a PC. Sometimes in a domain environment Skype for Business will start asking for passwords and won't take credentials. This will fix that.
Powershell script to get an Office 365 image and insert it into the users AD account
Requires the AD module in powershell which you can get by installing administrative tools.
Should just be able to edit the 'SEARCHBASE' to something like "OU=something,DC=company,DC=com" and go to town :)