Code reviews from people around the world is a great way to learn, share and improve your code and projects fast and seamlessly. Here, people can share their code, suggest changes, as well as upvote/downvote posts to gain more traction to solve popular problems software developers around the world face. itsafeaturenotabug will be this, a code sharing platform akin to StackOverflow to allow people to publish and share their code for problems and otherwise.
Develop a simplified version of Stack Overflow website where different people can post their questions and get answer to their queries. Users can vote on answers and depending on votes best answer is selected.
- Asking and answering questions
- Voting on answer
- Accepting the best answer
- Clone the repo
- Insure that you have PHP installed on your PC by running the command
php -v
in the terminal. You should get a number printed in the console. If not, google "How to install php" - Download and install composer from here
- Open a CMD in the folder called Backend inside the folder you just clone the repo in
- Type
npm --version
. You should get a number printed. If not you need to download NodeJS from here - Now that you have composer and npm installed. Open a terminal in the Backend folder. And run the command
composer install
- Now follow the steps below Setting up the connection with a MySQL database
- After you have followed those steps, run
php artisan migrate
- Once finished your app is ready to go. Just run
php artisan serve
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000 and you should see the welcome page
- Open your desired MySQL server (e.g. XAMMP, WAMP, etc)
- create a database called
- Copy the .example.env file (located in the Backend folder) and rename it to .env
- Enter your own server values for username, password, port, etc in the .env file
- Run the nodeJS server if it is not already running (using the commands in step 7 above)
- Laravel (PHP)
- Blade template language
- Shadi Jiha (shadijiha) Leader
- Uzair Ali (uzairali245)
- Mehdi Chitsaz (mehdichitsaz)
- Usama Saleem (usamasaleem1)
- Yacin Jouiad (Evowox)
- Alexandre Hakim (alexhakim)
- Victor Manuel Guerra (vimaguelo)