Creates custom posts, fields, and interaction for URI Tick Encounter data.
URI Ticks creates a new settings page in WP Admin:
--> URI Ticks
Set a minimum and maximum value for tick activity here. Tick activity will be calculated on a 0-4 scale by default unless these values are specified.
Display an interface for searching ticks by region and month using the uri-tick-map
( number ) [ optional ] — Set the threshold for inactivity. Default is 0
Display life phase data for a given tick species using the uri-display-tick-phases
( string ) [ required ] — Set the species slug.
URI Ticks
Creates custom posts, fields, and interaction for URI Tick Encounter data
Contributors: Brandon Fuller
Tags: plugins
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 5.6
Stable tag: 1.2.0