The original code and instructions are from . It has been modified to generate the seed intervals from the Battenberg calls, which are then passed to Amplicon Architect.
- Download the list of samples, filter by country and remove the rows/samples that should not be included: /pptech_exchange/Working_Groups/Mutational_Processes/ecDNA/hlfa_list_all_countries.csv
- Column 1: Sample name (Local ID)
- Column 2: SCNA filename
- Column 3: Country
- Obtain the data repository containing the AmpliconSuite-pipeline image and GRCh37 annotations :
- Download the data repo: /pptech_exchange/Working_Groups/Mutational_Processes/ecDNA/data_repo.tar.gz
- Extract the tar file
tar zxf data_repo.tar.gz
- Obtain the execution script
git clone
- License for Mosek optimization tool:
Obtain license file
). The license is free for academic use. -
Place the file in
(i.e, themosek/
folder that now exists in your home directory). -
If you are not able to place the license in the default location, you can set a custom location by exporting the bash variable
.export MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE="/path/to/mosek.lic"
An example command might look like:
amplicon_suite_ppcg/singularity/ -o path/to/output_dir/sample --bam sample.bam --scna_file sample.txt --data_repo path/to/data_repo
Below is a sample Slurm file:
#SBATCH --job-name=circdna.slurm
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH -t 48:00:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --output=%x.%a.%j.out # STDOUT
#SBATCH --error=%x.%a.%j.err # STDERR
#SBATCH --array=1-40
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=100G
module load singularity/3.8.2
export MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE="mosek/mosek.lic"
filename=$(head -n ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} hlfa_list_all_countries.csv | tail -1)
IFS=',' read -ra arr <<< "$filename"
echo "SAMPLE ${sample}"
echo "FILENAME ${cnv}"
amplicon_suite_ppcg/singularity/ -o AA_RESULT/${sample} -t 1 --bam ${pathf} --scna_file ${cnvpath} --data_repo path/data_repo
Here's an example of how to submit a job arrray to run multiple samples (i.e. execute the script for 40 samples but only run 5 samples at a time)
sbatch --array=1-40%5 amplicon_suite.slurm
-o {outdir}
: Directory where results will be stored. Include the sample name to avoid conflicts.--data_repo {repodir}
: Directory where the singularity image file and required annotations for GRCh37 are stored.-t
: Number of threads but it's not really used so just set it to 1.
Input files:
--bam {sample.bam}
Coordinate-sorted bam--scna_file {scna.txt}
Supply the Battenberg SCNA calls of the sample to generate the seed intervals to be passed to Amplicon Architect. Please use the May 2023 SCNA calls from: /data_releases/WGS_Data_Release/Somatic_variants/SCNA/SCNA_with_BD_SVs_03_05_2023.tar.gz.gpg