Stores individual scores and proofs. Pool managers publish with their private key. Anyone can read.
Example message to DB (proof field differs for different pool types):
chainID: 100,
poolAddress: "0x11111ed78501edb696adca9e41e78d8256b6",
poolManagerAddress: "0x33321ed78501edb696adca9e41e78d8256b6",
bundleId: '0x13411e501...fa0434d7cf87d92345',
subBundleID: '0x284a1e501...fa0434d7cf87d91111', // is hash of claims
claims: {
[wallet0.address]: {
score: 67,
proof: { // for SignedScoresPool:
signature: '0x2a411...'
[wallet1.address]: {
score: 87,
proof: { // for Merkle pool:
index: 3,
merkleProof: ['0x2a411...','0x2acf16c6...']
timestamp: 1654201893,
previousSignature: "0x4bsdgd78501edb696adca9e41e78dadf3",
singature: "0x3asdgd78501edb696adca9e41e78dhdr5",
- Checks if the sender is an acive pool manager (Graph request "Get pool manager for the pool address"). Error: Signer is not an active pool manager.
- Checks if the root is active onchain (Graph request "Get bundleId timestamp by bundleId"). Write bundleId to db. Error: No such bundleId on-chain
- Checks if [signature] is correct. The whole message must be signed by poolManagerAddress. Error: Wrong signature.
- Checks previous signature Error: Cannot find previous signed db transaction
- Checks timestamp. Error: Wrong timestamp
- Checks scores (must only increase) Error: "You tried to decsrease scores. There's no sense in doing it this way. You'll have to publish new score bundle and delete this one (please see the docs)."
- Calculates total scores for each user in the bundle // todo or better do it on app side?
- Writes data
- Save the whole transaction into log // todo deprecate if we store all subBundles with timestamps?
- Return result
Example return:
updatesCount: number of updated scores;
failedToDecreaseCount: number of scores not updated due
warning: "You tried to decsrease scores..."
error: ""
Anyone can read data through a GET request.
chainID: [uint256] // chain id if dapp (and array if multipassport)
userID: [bytes20] // user Upala ID and/or list of delegates
pools: [bytes20] // array of pool addresses trusted by the DApp
// todo does multipasport send all? possible pools?
signature: [bytes20]// multipassport can querry multiple IDs
// on multipple chains
- check request validity
- check signature if present
- Return data (calculates)
Return user scores in all trusted pools (one best for each pool). TODO Or better return totalScores?
chainID: 100,
userID: "0x23265231ed78501edb696adca9e41e78d8256b6",
poolAddress: "0x11111ed78501edb696adca9e41e78d8256b6",
timestamp: '0xa35d', // todo wtf??
transactionId: '0x42..abcd' // db transaction id // todo wtf?? // shoud be subBundle ID?
score: '2', // uint8
proof: { signature: "0x447f8...fa0434d7cf87d92345" }
- No such user
- No scores found for the user on the specified chain
Run housekeeping through an authorized GET request (or every n minutes?).
- Checks the graph protocol for deleted bundleIds (Graph request "Get array of deleted bundleIds since [lastHouseKeepingBlock]").
- Checks the graph protocol for pool ownership transfers (Graph request "Get array of new poolManagerAddresses since [lastHouseKeepingBlock]")
- Deactivate(delete) stale bundleIds (deleted and with new owners)
- Check for updated baseScores (Graph request "Get array of base score updates sinse "latestBaseScoreUpdateTimestamp]")
- Recalculate baseScores? // todo
- Update [lastHouseKeepingBlock]
Pools {
chainID: uint256,
poolAddress: bytes20,
baseScore: uint256,
scoreBundles: {
id: bytes32, // unique bundle id. tree root if Mekrle.
isDeleted: bool,
timestamp: unit256, // is assigned by smart contract
bundleSpecificBaseScore: unit256, //future, overrides baseScore
subBundles: { // todo should includ here?
id: id: bytes32,
claims: [
userUpalaId: bytes20,
score: uint8, // the score used in proof
proof: { //can be saved as text. Pool specific.
index: uint256, // for Merkle pool
merkleProof: [bytes32], // for Merkle pool
signature: bytes // for SignedScoresPool
totalScore: uint256 // [Total] = [baseScore] * [score]
// calculated when POSTing, housekeeping
Transactions { // deprecate? use only subBundles?
id: some hash
data: string // whole transaction json
Housekeeping {
chainID: {
lastHouseKeepingBlock: unit256,
Inspect records, modify for tests purposes. Look for ready-made solutions.
Web UI to view scores. Search, filter functionality.
- increasing-decreasing scores. Just return error if manager tries to decrease?
- where total scores better be calculated? In the DB or Dapp side?
- Include subBundles into schema? Deprecate transaction tracking? subBundles are transactions!