Country list with ISO3166 (alpha-2 and 3) and IOC codes
Countrie.json file creation:
git clone
composer install
php countries.php convert -f json -i name -i cca2 -i cca3 -i cioc -i region
- the converted file is located at dist/countries.json
require unitedworldwrestling/countrycio dev-master
PHP class:
use Unitedworldwrestling\Countrycio\CountrycioDB;
$countrycioDB = new CountrycioDB();
$countrycioDB->search($needle, $searchType='cca2', $returnKeys = [])
$searchType any of 'name','cca2','cca3','cioc','region'
$returnKeys an array of searchType values to be included in the response
The search function returns with an array of countries matching to the given searchType and includes fields specified in returnKeys (or all fields, if the parameter is empty)
$ciocCodes = $countrycioDB->search('CH','cca2','cioc');
$target = empty($ciocCodes) ? '' : $ciocCodes[0]['cioc'] ?? '';