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PoisonPhang edited this page Sep 27, 2023 · 1 revision


The PingPong contract implements a simple ping pong protocol that alternates between sending "ping" and "pong" messages between two contracts deployed on two different blockchains connected via IBC.

Contract Structure

The contract consists of the following components:

  1. Data Structures and Library: Defines a PingPongPacket struct to represent the ping pong packet data and a library PingPongPacketLib for encoding and decoding packets.

  2. Contract Definition: The PingPong contract inherits from IBCAppBase and implements the IBC callbacks.

  3. Constructor: Initializes the contract with the IBC handler, revision number, and the number of blocks before pong timeout.

  4. IBCAppBase Overrides: Overrides functions required by the IBC protocol, including ibcAddress, onRecvPacket, and channel open/close callbacks.

  5. Initiation: The initiate function sends a ping or pong packet to the counterparty chain.

Protocol Workflow

  1. The contract is deployed with the IBC handler, revision number, and timeout information.
  2. One side of the channel initiates the ping pong protocol by calling the initiate function.
  3. Upon receiving a packet, the onRecvPacket function is triggered, emitting a Ring event and sending a response packet to the counterparty chain.
  4. The protocol continues to alternate between ping and pong messages as each side of the channel processes incoming packets.


The PingPong contract showcases a basic example of cross-chain communication over IBC using Solidity. It demonstrates how developers can implement a simple ping pong protocol, exchanging packets and alternating between ping and pong messages. This example serves as a starting point for building more complex cross-chain applications using IBC and Solidity.