Displaying how Vulnerability is spreaded in Jordan.
The dataviz use dc.js
Variables displayed:
Histogram - bar chart of Welfare Model predictions
- Average of variables per threshold (Model predictions thresholds are displayed through specific filters and represented as a fixed line)
3 Pie Charts for subsetting:
- MOI card possession: yes or no
- MOI card registered same as current residence: yes or no
- Valid UNHCR registration: yes or no
Line chart for time dimension
- Date of interview
- Date of arrival/entry into Jordan
3 geographic dimension:
- Location: leaflet map using hexbin for GPS coordinates (inspiration here: http://www.delimited.io/blog/2013/12/1/hexbins-with-d3-and-leaflet-maps )
- Row chart: Governorate name,
- Row Chart: for top 10 District name
stacked chart
- Age and Gender Distribution: distribution by Gender for Age cohorts