To add these test scripts to your language pair, go into your language pair directory and do:
git clone t
# edit t/ and save as t/
svn add --depth=files t
You should have your tests in a page named after your language pair, e.g. and
To run the tests from your language pair, assuming it’s been set up as shown above, do
This will overwrite the files named t/latest-pending.results and t/latest-regression.results. You can view the differences with
svn diff
Test results are kept in SVN since that means we don’t have to keep moving things back and forth between “Pending” and “Regression” in the wiki whenever we pass a new test (or fail an old one), and we get a nice log of our progression.
To run just regression or just pending tests, use t/pending-tests or t/regression-tests. Pass the -f argument to those scripts to only see failed regression tests or passed pending tests, e.g.
t/regression-tests -f