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Provides a stub server for testing Distil GRPC calls.

CircleCI Go Report Card GolangCI


  • Go programming language binaries with the GOPATH environment variable specified and $GOPATH/bin in your PATH.


Clone the repository:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone [email protected]:uncharted-distil/distil-pipeline-server.git

Install dependencies:

cd distil-pipeline-server
make install

Build, watch, and run server:

make watch

Syncing TA2-TA3 Submodule

The pipeline/ta3ta2-api submodule is set up to track the D3M program level TA2-TA3 API Repo. It is currently set up to track the preprocessing_api2 branch where active development is taking place on the new version of the API. The branch being tracked can be adjusted by changing the branch field in the .gitmodules file, if necessary.

Cloning of the contents of the submodule has been included in the make install command, but only for the latest commit that was commited to this repo to ensure nothing is broken upon installation. If you would like to update the submodule to track the newest commits on the branch:

make sync_api

If you would like to both sync the submodule with the latest commits AND generate new GRPC/Protobuf source:

make sync_and_gen

Generating GRPC/Protobuf Source

If changes are made to the *.proto files that requires source to be re-generated, install protocol buffer compiler:


curl -OL
unzip -d protoc3
sudo cp protoc3/bin/protoc /usr/bin/protoc
sudo cp -r protoc3/include /usr/local


curl -OL
unzip -d protoc3
sudo cp protoc3/bin/protoc /usr/bin/protoc
sudo cp -r protoc3/include /usr/local

Generate GRPC source from proto definition:

make proto

Docker Deployment

Create a docker image from current source:

cd deploy

Run the container:



  1. Tag source using semantic versioning.
  2. Update the tag version in `deploy/'.
  3. Build and push.

Common Issues:

"dep: command not found":

  • Cause: $GOPATH/bin has not been added to your $PATH.
  • Solution: Add export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin to your .bash_profile or .bashrc.

"../repo/subpackage/file.go:10:2: cannot find package "" in any of":

  • Cause: Dependencies are out of date or have not been installed
  • Solution: Run make install to install latest dependencies.

Message Flows for V2 TA3TA2 API

This flow is equivalent to the the basic CreatePipelines request and result stream used in version one of the API. For the purposes of illustration, we only deal with a single pipeline being generated. It is now up to the TA3 system to manage data supplied to the scoring and prediction (produce) steps.

Note over TA3,TA2: Generate candidate pipelines
    TA3->>TA2: SearchPipelines(SearchPipelinesRequest)
    TA2-->>TA3: SearchPipelinesResponse
    TA3->>TA2: GetSearchPipelinesResults(GetSearchPipelinesResultsRequest)
    TA2--xTA3: GetSearchPipelineResultsResponse
Note over TA3,TA2: Generate scores for candidate pipeline (assuming not generated during search)
    TA3->>TA2: ScorePipeline(ScorePipelineRequest)
    TA2-->>TA3: ScorePipelineRequestResponse
    TA3->>TA2: GetScorePipelineResults(GetScorePipelinesResultRequest)
    TA2--xTA3: GetScorePipelineResultsResponse
    TA2--xTA3: GetScorePipelineResultsResponse
    TA2--xTA3: GetScorePipelineResultsResponse
Note over TA3,TA2: Final fit of model
    TA3->>TA2: FitPipeline(ProducePipelineRequest)
    TA2-->>TA3: FitPipelineResponse
    TA3->>TA2: GetFitPipelineResults(GetProducePipelineResultsRequest)
    TA2--xTA3: GetFitPipelineResultsResponse
    TA2--xTA3: GetFitPipelineResultsResponse
Note over TA3,TA2: Generate predictions using fitted model and held back test data
    TA3->>TA2: ProducePipeline(ProducePipelineRequest)
    TA2-->>TA3: ProducePipelineResponse
    TA3->>TA2: GetProducePipelineResults(GetProducePipelineResultsRequest)
    TA2--xTA3: GetProducePipelineResultsResponse
    TA2--xTA3: GetProducePipelineResultsResponse
    TA2--xTA3: GetProducePipelineResultsResponse
    TA3->>TA2: EndSearchPipelines(EndSearchPipelinesRequest)
    TA2-->>TA3: EndSearchPipelinesRequest