PDF indexing support in UmbracoExamine using PdfPig
Install with Nuget:
dotnet add package UmbracoExamine.PDF
You will then have a new Examine index called "PDFIndex" available.
To use the MultiSearcher in V10, you can instantiate it when needed like:
using(var multiSearcher = new MultiIndexSearcher("MultiSearcher", new IIndex[] {
Or you can register a multi-index searcher with the ExamineManager on startup like:
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddExamineLuceneMultiSearcher("MultiSearcher", new string [] {
With this approach, the multi searcher will show up in the Examine dashboard and it can be resolved from the ExamineManager like:
if (_examineManager.TryGetSearcher("MultiSearcher", out var searcher))
//TODO: use the `searcher` to search
Uses SQLite and the db is part of git.
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The source code for UmbracoExamine.PDF is licensed under the MIT license.